Now It’s Over Here

This chipping lark is catching

Imagine a world where man and machine are blended, allowing you to open doors or start your car simply with the wave of your hand.

That vision of the future has taken a step closer to reality, thanks to implantable microchips that can communicate with locks and other devices.

Inventor Steven Northam, from Hampshire, is among those who have adopted the cyborg practice, having an RFID chip inserted under his skin.

Although his wife is not entirely comfortable with the technology, he says he hopes that his baby daughter will one day follow in his footsteps.

Fucking Hellski! Is there no depths to which human stupidity will not sink?

The married father of one also has the technology fitted to his BMW Z4, which starts when his hand is on the wheel.

So if someone fancies nicking his Beemer all they need to do is chop his hand off. Well done you cretin.

Despite his wife’s reservations, Mr Northam has started a new company that makes the technology available to the British public for around £250 ($330)

BioTeq claims to be the first in the UK to offer human implantable technology via professional medical procedures.

Yes, well, you can fuck right off with that one chummy.

‘And if they want to steal a car, they are not going to chop your arm off.’

Oh, really? I think I’ll pass on taking the chance on that.

He said: ‘Certain people think the concept seems like complete madness while others are joining our waiting list to have the microchips installed.

No guesses as to which group I fall into…


  1. I am surprised at your attitude; I thought you championed personal choice when it did not affect other people and if someone wants to start their car or open their front door in this way why shouldn’t they? It’s not going to become compulsory.

    I would have thought having the chip fitted into a ring or watch strap would make it a more popular option: also, the car would not keep starting when you were just cleaning it.

  2. Actually, in 2005, there was a report form Malaysia of a businessman having his thumb amputated by thieves so that they could steal his thumbprint activated Mercedes:

    So, yeah, OF COURSE someone cutting your hand off to steal your stuff won’t happen …

    OF COURSE our thieves are much more civilised that that … Oh, wait.

    • He has to chop his hand off for the buyer to put on his keyring, Then he buys a new hand, or a second hand second hand 😉

    • I have used RFID to make hands free keyless ignition for several members of a bike forum. Its nothing new and very cheap simple to make. One member, however, chose to have the tag embedded in his hand. Since then he has expanded the idea to other things which are activated by the single tag in his hand. The usual choice is either a tag on a watch strap or sewn into the rider’s glove, but there’s no accounting for people. If he changes his bike (or car, if RFID is fitted to it), he simply uses the master tag that is supplied with these things to program his hand to the unit. The home made one stores codes for up to 20 tags.

  3. I have my dogs and cat (all pedigree; microchipped). I would like a tracker microchip too for them. Too many thefts today. But these are pets, not humans.

    • Dear Dr Evil

      Glad to read you are compliant with the law on chipping of dogs, which has been in force since 6 April last year.

      Doesn’t apply to cats yet.

      Nor people…


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