1. My he is having a rant isn’t he! The idea that there is a ‘gay cure’ has really got him upset. Well I guess it all has to do with what is in our brains and Jones and his like have always been keen on ‘educating’ the rest of us, which is all about changing what goes on in our brains, so what’s the difference?

    Jones says, “ If someone refuses to lend you a megaphone, they are not infringing your right to say what you believe: they are simply not offering you their own resources to amplify your views to a broader audience.” Where that idea leads to is giving those with opinions that differ from his their own cell where they can speak freely for the rest of their life.

    Nasty little fascist.

    • What was hilarious is that Jones had a minor annuerism about the appearance of this bloke on TV espousing his views on a “gay cure” and yet completely missed the fact that the whole thing was set up by GMTV so that Piers Morgan could make him look like a complete f**king idiot – something Morgan achieved with some ease.

      And yet Jones manages to fabricate a piece of minor TV comedy into a capricious far right global conspiracy. The man is a complete twat.

    • Since when was GMTV Jones’ resources? As it was, GMTV have demonstrated that they understand what free speech is about. Thy gave this charlatan a platform and exposed him for what he is. So, free speech working precisely as it is supposed to.

      • GMTV is actually a factual source improvement for Jones. Usually his facts come from Twitter or something he pulled out of his arse.

    • He’s barely in his thirties, which makes his endless repetitive polemics on how wonderful Britain was in the 1970s under Labour rather amusing. He also has an ability to wax on endlessly about the evil of Margaret Thatcher even though he was barely two years old when she left office.

      But if you write any of that on CiF you get moderated…

      • Ah yes, Britain in the 1970’s. Clearly Jones has no understanding of what it was like then. I have a first hand perspective; near constant strike actions, industrial sabotage, rolling power cuts in the dead of Winter. Water shortages. Supermarket shelves bare. Runaway inflation. A Socialist paradise brothers! Let’s do it all over again. What larks, eh?

        Do I need to post sarc tags?

        • “Socialist paradise”? Really? I could have sworn the Conservatives were in power half the time, but people conveniently forget that….similar to how people forget that the world had a banking crisis yet manage to blame Gordon Brown for it….However I do agree with the main thrust of our hosts post. Owen Jones is an idiot.

          • The Labour party subscribes to Keynesian economics. This requires saving in the good times and spending in the bad ones. Mr No Boom and Bust ignored the first bit and spent in the good times, so when the bust hit there was nothing in the coffers. So, yes, he was rightly criticised. Everyone could see it coming except the one eyed snot goblin apparently.

  2. I’d love to be able to comment on this piece of garbage on the website, unfortunately it appears that this is not an option. Mind you, the left don’t do irony.

  3. Little irony in that Owen Jones’ article on free speech in The Guardian turned out to be an article promoting the idea of censorship and also (unusually for the attention whoring Jones) had the comments disabled.

    Comment Is Free… except when you disagree with them…

  4. I’ve noticed that far fewer Guardian articles now allow comments. I used to enjoy the comments: they were frequently far more interesting/enlightening than the article itself.

    • I think many people would go for that idea, or at least something like it. My mum does keep threatening to drown me at birth…

  5. You can use speech for abusive purposes, i.e. in order to slander, libel, harass, intimidate, bully or violate people’s basic human rights to privacy and dignity. But this isn’t free speech. Free speech is the right to state your opinions, openly and freely.

Comments are closed.