Stop Apologising

Fer cryin’ out loud!

Great British Bake Off star Paul Hollywood has apologised after being pictured wearing a Nazi uniform.

This has been dragged up from a decade and a half ago. It was a fancy dress party and he was dressed as a character from ‘Allo ‘Allo. For fucking fuckitty fuck’s sake, get a grip!

Now, however, he has apologised to the offenderati and in so doing he has encouraged them to keep on. The appropriate response would have been to tell them to get over themselves. It was a fancy dress party. If someone is offended by that then they need to be offended good and hard day in, day out, every minute of every hour until they learn that they are not special and their sensibilities are not worth pandering to. Until they learn to get a sense of proportion.

In a statement he said: “I am absolutely devastated if this caused offence to anyone.”

Oh, for Gawd’s sake! Tell them to fuck themselves with the rough end of a pineapple wrapped in razor wire. No rational adult is going to be offended by this – and certainly not fourteen years later. These people need to be offended. It’s who they are; it gives their sorry little lives meaning.

Stop fucking apologising to these people.


  1. I very much doubt that his apology was in any way sincere. I suspect that it is what you have to do to keep your career on track. It is the same with supermarkets that get hit by the offendatrons over some imaginary slight, they are just avoiding alienating any of their customers.

  2. I look forward to the day when some celebrity responds to the Greek chorus of online outrage with; “FFS! Have you people not got lives?”

    To which the only answer would be “No.”

    • Now THAT idocy is what we don’t need…
      The nazis were as “Socialist” as the N Koreans are “Democratic” – just because it’s in the name, doesn’t mean it’s true – moron.

      Meanwhile, agree with L-R here.

      Meanwhile, when are we going to get “Apologies” from the Arabs for hundreds of years of slave-trading along the E African costs, then?

      • @Greg T

        Now THAT idocy is what we don’t need…
        The nazis were as “Socialist” as the N Koreans are “Democratic” – just because it’s in the name, doesn’t mean it’s true – moron.

        The moron here is you Greg T.

        Clue is in:
        name – “National Socialist Party”
        policies – state ownership of production
        ally – Stalin’s communist Russia

      • Give it a rest GT – you are talking out of your backside. Here are a few quotes from Goebbels:
        “England is a capitalist democracy. Germany is a socialist people’s state. from “Englands Schuld,” Illustrierter Beobachter, Sondernummer, p. 14. The article is not dated, but is from the early months of the war, likely late fall of 1939. Joseph Goebbels’ speech in English is titled “England’s Guilt.”

        “We are not a chartable institution but a Party of revolutionary socialists”
        “Einbeitsfront,” Der Angriff editorial, May 27, 1929. David Schoenbaum, Hitler’s Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939, W.W. Norton & Company (1997) p. 25

        “We are against the political bourgeoisie, and for genuine nationalism! We are against Marxism, but for true socialism!”
        Written by Joseph Goebbels and Mjölnir, Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler.

        “To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.”
        Escape from Freedom by Erich Fromm (1941) p. 223

        “If Germany stays united and marches to the rhythm of its revolutionary socialist outlook, it will be unbeatable. Our indestructible will to life, and the driving force of the Führer’s personality guarantee this.”
        “The Winter Crisis is Over” speech on June 4, 1943 at the Berlin Sport Palace

        Now do everyone a favour and STFU.

        • Greg is right, you are wrong. FFS, you quote the worlds most famous liar to prove your point that the Nazis were socialist…The fact that in one of the quotes he actually says they are against Marxism kind of gives that away as Socialism is originally based in the philosophies of KM.

          • This is an irrelevant discussion. Does it matter if the bullet in the back of your head comes from a Nagant or a Luger? Both ideologies are large state authoritarian. Both are the enemy of liberty and both are thoroughly evil having laid waste to millions of lives. They have more in common than differentiates them.

          • ‘FFS”

            Get lost. The Nazis were leftists through and through. Quotes don’t prove or disprove that. What they did does. And they did leftism.

            And if the left’s work in places such as China and Russia isn’t enough to put you off the repugnant, destructive ideology does one more evil, murderous regime really matter?

          • That is only ONE person. There are plenty of other Halford. The relevant point is that socialists of whatever flavour, Nazi or Communist or even the ever so fluffy light pinko fabians are all the bloody same. It’s all about loss of your freedom so that they can have total control of everything. It is you that has missed the point.

  3. @LR,

    Agree. Don’t appologise for unless a real error : Today is Wednesday. Sorry, I was wrong, it’s Sunday.

    Don’t like my opinions – tough, I don’t like your’s. Go away.

    eg Katie Hopkins, Littlejohn, Hitchens, P Morgan, Sugar, Trump, Farage, Worstall…

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