Oh Dear, How Sad

Never mind.

Alternative news sites are waging a “guerrilla war” against the BBC in an attempt to promote their own editorial agenda, according to the BBC’s former political editor Nick Robinson.

The Today programme presenter said criticism of BBC journalists and others on sites ranging from the pro-Corbyn Canary to the rightwing Westmonster was so persistent that it was negatively affecting public perceptions of mainstream media.

Writing in the Guardian, Robinson said: “Our critics now see their attacks as a key part of their political strategy. In order to succeed they need to convince people not to believe ‘the news’.”

Given the blatant bias and the unwillingness to challenge the bullshit put out by the health Nazis and anti-smoking nutters, given that this crap poured out daily in the pretext that they are producing “news” when all too often it is nothing other than propaganda, this is entirely self-inflicted. My sympathy is somewhat limited absent.

He argued that trust in the UK media was declining and blamed this on the “increased polarisation of our society and the increased use – particularly by the most committed and most partisan – of social media and alternatives to what they call the MSM, the mainstream media.”

Because the MSM cannot be trusted. I know from personal experience when areas of my expertise are discussed by them, they are always factually wrong and ill-informed. I simply do not trust them. I would trust an occupational expert on their blog a damned sight more. So Robinson’s whinge is much like that of the buggy whip makers. Good riddance to bad rubbish, frankly.


  1. Perhaps if the BBC stuck to just reporting the news instead of pushing forward the likes of Robinson to ‘explain’ the news to us we might believe it more.
    Add to that the complete absence of BBC news from places like ‘Europe’ while reporting every sneeze from Obama, its promotion of mass immigration, Islam, homosexuality and ‘gender’ confusion one might even come to believe that is a campaigning organisation rather than an impartial reporter.

  2. I’ll finish off the post title for you with, ‘Never Mind’, which should be imagined in the fine Welsh voice of the late Windsor Davies in full It Aint Half Hot Mum mode.

    We, the great unwashed which the BBC look down upon from their ivory tower, didn’t need to be told to distrust the state broadcaster and other biased institutions of the MSM,(C4 is a fine example of the type), they have earned their deserved reputations for bias and propaganda all by themselves.

    Take heart AlBeeb, it isn’t just you, you are far from alone in trying to tell us what to think, i haven’t bought a propaganda sheet, once known as a newspaper for over 30 years, and we haven’t watched the idiot box in the corner for years either, and the BBC is the very last broadcaster i would tune to on the radio, which is another medium that i can’t be bothered with.

    It’s extremely liberating removing yourself from state sponsored instruction, comparable in some ways to battery chickens which have been liberated from their cages, after a time they become natural hens again.

    The bloggers, such as our host, have been a revelation to find, to realise that you weren’t going potty all alone, that there are more of us out there that can still think for ourselves and have our eyes wide open than ‘they’ would like…hence the need by chairman May and others like her to censor the internet.

  3. “I would trust an occupational expert on their blog a damned sight more.”

    Agreed, however I include experienced practitioners as well.

    “Robinson’s whinge is much like that of the buggy whip makers.”

    Brilliant turn of phrase.

  4. Personally the only news I actually trust are the sports results, but only on the basis that not even the MSM can put spin on it. In all other cases and especially so with Al Beeb what I do is to imagine the opposite of what is being reported and take that as probably being closer to the “truth”

    In short if Al Beeb told me it was raining I would insist on going outside to check.

  5. I quite agree. Because the BBC never challenge the health nutters my ability to enjoy a pint and a cigarette has been completely ruined and mine and many others social lives destroyed.

  6. The MSM used to have a virtual monopoly on the dissemination of information, now they have competition they don’t like it. They could have upped their game and made sure that they were the go to source for reliable information. That would have taken hard work, honesty and meticulous fact checking. Instead they seem to have gone in the opposite direction. Falling sales have made it very hard for newspapers to keep up standards but the BBC have no excuse. As others have said here, my default position when hearing anything from the BBC is that it is probably not true. This isn’t the fault of the internet, it is their own fault for consistently telling lies.

  7. AlBeeb & C4 rarely do news on; it’s now Newsfotainment pushing their own agenda, or even making/faking news as in the BBC/CNN: “CNN Caught Being Fake News – Staging A Backdrop Of Protester”

    Over on bishop-hill.net there is reasonible balance of left, centre and right. All, except one (Alan Kendall/Supertroll) loath the AllBeeb & C4 for their bias and dumbing down of science (most science progs are like CBBC/CBeebies)

    AK defends AlBeeb always and sees no bias, bias by ommission*, dumbing down, misleading or factually wrong.

    * search AlBeeb for Wasserman

  8. Nothing new here at all …
    Which is why singling out the Beeb, in particular, is wrong … because journalists, whoever they are working for, get it wrong ….
    If you see what I meam?

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