What Planet Were They On?

Dove says it missed the mark.

Dove has apologised after publishing an advert on its Facebook page which showed a black woman turning into a white woman.

The brand was accused of racism over the online advertising campaign and it later admitted it had “missed the mark” with an image posted on Facebook.

The advert showed a black woman removing her top to reveal a white woman underneath supposedly after using Dove body lotion.

I just can’t help wondering where the people who came up with this advert have been this past few decades. The offenderati have hair-trigger sensitivities – they are offended by the slightest hint of an “ism” so this one was right in the back of their net as it were. I mean, seriously? They thought this one would pass muster? Or is it a reverse coup? You know, create a deliberately provocative ad and get it pulled for being “racist” then wallow in the free publicity? So, are they incredibly stupid or incredibly clever?


  1. Does anyone remember the Beneton posters which were thought provoking but often in questionable taste? These were aimed squarely at the offence takers of the time and they never once failed to take the bait.

  2. As all ads these days invariably portray white middle-aged+ males as either totally incompetent or terminally stupid (or both) I pay very little attention to them – except to titter at their transparent efforts to be sociologically cutting-edge. I do have a grudging admiration for the agencies’ ability to play on the insecurities of clients’ management who should know better, and churn out juvenile dross for a great deal of money but that is always tempered by the awareness that I am paying for these ads through increased prices. Or at least, I would be if I didn’t favour own-brand alternatives at Asda, Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons and highly discounted goods at B&M.

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