

Gay rights campaigners have backed an NHS policy demanding that doctors and nurses start asking all patients from the age of 16 about their sexual orientation.

NHS England has issued a new standard requiring staff to “record sexual orientation at every face to face contact with the patient, where no record of this data already exists”.

What part of “its none of your fucking business” do these cretins not understand? And I don’t give a flying fuck what gay rights activists want. It really, really is none of their fucking business.

Patients are not obliged to answer, but Conservative politicians including Jacob Rees-Mogg and the former children and families minister Tim Loughton have attacked the measure respectively as “intrusive and Orwellian” and “political correctness … gone bonkers”.

They are correct. And it is no one’s fucking business. The only time a GP should be questioning this is if it is relevant to a patient’s healthcare. Otherwise, the matter should not be raised.

The policy does not include monitoring gender or gender identity, such as transgender.

Oh, well, that’s all okay then…

Fuck me!

Stonewall, the gay rights campaign group, welcomed the new system and said it was “vital sexual orientation is considered in health assessments”.

Since when did this unpleasant little organisation become full of health professionals? I do not welcome it. I do not welcome such intrusive questioning and I resent the fact that refusing to answer is also recorded. Because – and this is the important point here – it is no one else’s fucking business. Certainly not the GP’s, not the NHS nor the ONS and certainly not fucking Stonewall’s.


  1. More state Marxist SJW intrusion into our lives by the Not The Conservative Party

    Unless I – the patient/customer – raise the subject, it’s MYOB.

    I’m tempted to suggest giving a different answer at each “face to face contact”, but envisage one may well be sectioned as punishment.

    Perhaps answer “human”

  2. It’s a shame my kids are no longer of an age where this might have supplied some ‘sport’, some good-not-so-clean fun…bear in mind we live (or ‘reside’….’live’ is a bit too strong a word for it) in Norfolk.
    *wanders off humming “Zoophilia at the Norfolk Show* (yes that’s an actual real song ).

  3. I quite like the idea.

    It will set in concrete the notion that the only acceptable response to any agent of the state is either violence or a lie or both.

  4. What next, fidelity? How many partners? Favourite act or position?

    Jesus, but we are decending quickly now. I dread the life my grandchildren are going to endure.

  5. By the time they’ve finished asking your orientation/whether smoker/ drinker/ sugarsalt eater/getting your 5-a-day there won’t be time to talk about your health.

  6. A couple of years ago, having reached that age, I had my 5 yearly medical MOT and discovered that my usual GP had retired and his place taken by a rather handsome woman who looked to be in her late 30’s. She went through the normal question and answer bit, and then she said, “And how about sex?” I replied saying what was probably not the most intelligent thing I’ve ever said, “That’s very kind of you doctor, but shouldn’t we finish the consultation first?”
    The GP to which I was moved looks to be about 112 and makes Diane Abbott look anorexic! Perhaps I should tell her, on my next MOT, about my attraction to older, larger, ladies?

    • Lol – and I bet the thirty-something one also believed in SHS…

      My jaw dropped when a couple of years ago a practice nurse told me earnestly that, if I had to use salt, it should be sea salt because it had less fat in it (I’m no scientist but I’m fairly sure that the perceived problem with salt is not its fat content). Such is the standard of our health professionals these days – it’s terrifying.

  7. Sexual orientation? Well, usually horizontal these days but I was known to be a little more adventurous when much younger.

  8. “Vital”, why? How does made up gender studies crap affect biology? STD’s remain STD’s no matter what sex you choose for sex. One thing is fucked and with this rubbish in the ascendancy I think it’s our society in general.

  9. You just need to follow the links and read the “standard”. Then try to work out how many people – hundreds probably – choose to wilfully squander resources on this utter shite. Fuck actual healthcare.

  10. My thought about this is just why? Even from the point of view of a militant gay rights group like Stonewall what is this supposed to achieve? Personally I’ve always been pretty open about my sexual preferences and I don’t really care who knows about them. On the other hand, mind your own business is surely the correct response to this question.

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