All Men?

Seriously? All men?

Because of this online campaign I will be asking my younger brother and my male friends and colleagues how they really behave on nights out, what they would do if they saw something inappropriate, and what they think constitutes sexual harassment. You should, too. Because women know that this kind of stuff has been going on for years, and it is time that the men closest to us understood the extent of it, so our collective anger can be used to force a shift in the gender paradigm.

I have never sexually assaulted anyone in my life. As with all of these leftist causes, this is an exaggeration. Out in the real world, people get on with it, doing what they have always done – rubbing along together, but because of the insidious political correctness that darkens our lives we are all a bit more careful about what we say and with whom we react and whom we trust. In the offices of the Guardian though, all men are predators just as all parents are paedophiles.

#MeToo, of course. But more like; #metooandeveryoneIknowonadailybasis.

Bullshit. Seriously, that’s utter hyperbole. Yes, sure, some men are vile sexist cunts. And some women have indeed been abused. No rational person would deny this. But it is nothing like the epidemic the wimmin at the Guardian would have us believe. And if it is worse than it once was, who was responsible for destroying the polite, civil society that held these people in check?

How’s that “all Muslims are terrorists” thing going, by the way?


This is not sexual assault, nor is it harassment, despite the outrage from Emma Thomson and the Twitterati. Some people are tactile and Sandler was making similar gestures to a male colleague at a similar interview. Claiming that such behaviour is assault or unwanted sexual advances devalues the terms.


  1. With any luck these people will eventually become so uptight about their sexual interactions that it will be impossible for them to breed and the problem will sort itself out.

    • I have to say that if one of these extreme feminists started trying to interrogate me about how I behave on a night out, the response would be short and sharp – it is none of their concern and I do not answer to them. I have done nothing that requires any justification and no justification will be forthcoming.

  2. Whenever I come across an expression such as ‘gender paradigm’ I realise I have wasted another couple of minutes of my life.

    • Indeed. What is being termed abuse is nothing of the sort. When I was a callow youth of nineteen in my first workplace, the older women in the packing department would think nothing of making lewd remarks and patting me on the bum. I took it in the spirit that it was intended. I have no plans to make any complaint or claim #metoo, because it wasn’t assault, it wasn’t abuse and they were merely engaging in the kind of humour that used to take place at the time. We have lost something along the way because men and women no longer dare to flirt for fear of the repercussions.

  3. Unfortunately this #MeToo scandal is now descenidng into a #LookAtMeToo farce for every pompous, virtue signalling or publicity seeking pillock in the world.

    Emma Thompson, please take a bow…

  4. If ‘tackled’ in this manner by a partner the only sane response would be a stony silence followed by the sound of packing bags. The author of the article sounds like a total arse, not worth being in a relationship with.

    • I saw that one. Two points here. Firstly, there is no such thing as cultural appropriation – it’s a construct by the left to create neoapartheid. Secondly, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

      By God, that pompous woman must be a barrel of laughs to live with.

      • All the comments below the article, without exception, are of a similar opinion to you. In fact, I don’t know anyone who would see this as anything other than stupidity writ large. That poor kid is going to grow up with a very perverse, twisted view of the world, thanks to her brainless, virtue signalling mother.

  5. Dear Mr Longrider

    “Because women know that this kind of stuff has been going on for years, …”

    Where has this woman been hiding all these millennia?

    It’s been going on since the dawn of Man.


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