A Tactless Man?

It is said that a tactless man is one who says what everyone else is thinking. The Donald seems to be doing okay in this department. Cue much outrage of course.

Donald Trump has defied overwhelming global opposition by recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but insisted that the highly controversial move would not derail his own administration’s bid to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The usual suspects are up in arms over this, but what has he said that wasn’t already tacitly understood by everyone anyway? Jerusalem has always been the capital of the Holy Land. In agreeing the falsehood that it is Tel Aviv, the various parties have been turning a convenient blind eye to the reality.

Still, I’m sure popcorn sales will be through the roof.


  1. The USA recognised Jerusalem as the capital in 1995:
    Public Law 104-45 Nov 8, 1995 “…the United States Embassy in Israel should be established in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999.”
    Congress re-affirmed it this year:
    S.Res 176 115th Congress (2017-2018 ) “…reaffirms the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45) as United States law, and calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions.”
    Donald Trump is merely doing what successive American presidents have been dodging for the last 22 years.

  2. Hasn’t this been enshrined in US law since 1995 but successive presidents were too pathetic to enact it, unlike Trump?

  3. Well the usual suspects were organising the “Pallywood Floorshow”, arranging for journalists to view “spontaneous” protests with a suitable delay to allow the cameras to be set up and reshot for editing. Sales of flammable flags are through the roof. I did enjoy the claim that the Palestinian authority protected religious freedom of Christians and Jews and how MSM managed to report that with a straight face, it nearly cost me a new keyboard though.

  4. The Australian government won’t be following suit, the Greens support the BDS movement and Labor are beholden to large Muslim communities in key Western Sydney seats so it would never get through Australia’s dysfunctional senate.

    The debate has not been about whether Trump’s move is right or wrong (it’s right), but that it shouldn’t be done because irrational RoPers will react violently.

  5. Six days ago President Trump repudiated Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, telling her she should “focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom” instead of attacking him publicly for his choice of retweets.

    Fast forward, just a little bit and once again we’ve learned that President Trump’s instincts were correct.

    It wasn’t two members of Britain First who were caught yesterday in the final steps of preparing an attack on 10 Downing Street — effectively an assassination attempt against Theresa May herself. It was two Muslim men. One by the name of Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, and the other, Mohammed Aqib Imran.

    However, MSM sidelines that to snowflake on Trump enacting 1995 Clinton Law.

  6. Left, SJWs, RoPs – time to face reality:

    POTUS Trump obeyed USA Gov’t on law first passed in 1995 when Left hero Clinton was POTUS

    Link: Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 as U.S. law, and calls upon the President and all U.S. officials to abide by its provisions.
    Senate – 06/05/2017 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay Vote. 90 – 0

    Way past time RoP progressed from C7 to C21.


    MSM is ignoring the facts – dates, senate etc – to bash Trump regardless of facts – blatant bias by omission.

    On a similar note: MSM not reporting the “porn pictures” on computer in Damian Green’s office were all thumbnails – pre-cached by web-browser. Bias by omission to undermine May & Brexit.

    POTUS Trump: advice to May, MPs, Khan et al & the “bigot, misogynist etc” accusations – stop the childish insults, be diplomatic; you might dislike the person, show respect to the POTUS and work with him for the good of UK.

    As for PM May if unelected Junker had asked/ordered me to fly to Brussels at 4AM he’d have been told to take a hike by an aide.

    Strong & Stable? More like Weak & Subservient.

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