That’s the BLT Done For


It’s a staple of the British diet and a popular choice for a quick and easy lunch. But new research reveals the carbon footprint of the humble sandwich could be fuelling harmful greenhouse emissions.

The worst offender is revealed as the ready-made “all-day breakfast” sandwich, crammed with egg, bacon and sausage.

Researchers at the University of Manchester carried out the first ever study of the carbon footprint of sandwiches – both home-made and ready-made. They considered the entire life cycle of sandwiches, including the production of ingredients, packaging, refrigeration and food waste.

Clearly all the important problems have been solved. First they came for the smokers, then the drinkers, then the fatties and now it’s the humble sandwich. I do hope we are not paying for this “research”.

The team scrutinised 40 different sandwich types, recipes and combinations and found the highest carbon footprints for the sandwiches containing pork meat (bacon, ham or sausages) and also those filled with cheese or prawns.

Whereas the rest of us have lives to lead.

“Given that sandwiches are a staple of the British diet as well as their significant market share in the food sector, it is important to understand the contribution from this sector to the emissions of greenhouse gases,” said Professor Adisa Azapagic, one of the authors of the paper.

No it isn’t.

The study also recommends reducing or omitting certain ingredients that have a higher carbon footprint, like lettuce, tomato, cheese and meat.

Now you knew this one was coming, didn’t you?

Reducing ingredients such as cheese and meat would also reduce the amount of calories eaten, contributing towards healthier lifestyles.

And this one. While I am tempted to tell them where they can stick it, a part of me looks upon this in a positive light. These charlatans are so far over the shark that even ordinary people will start to take notice and see them for what they are.


  1. “The study also recommends reducing or omitting certain ingredients that have a higher carbon footprint, like lettuce, tomato, cheese and meat.”

    They forgot the bread and the butter.

  2. It has been a surprise to me to see how long it is taking the ‘CO2 causes warming’ meme to die. The alarmists have now been reduced to constantly fiddling the temperature records to keep it going. The morons running the electricity grid in Australia have closed most of the proper power stations down and are demonstrating to the rest of the world what happens when you try to run a modern economy on unreliable wind and solar farms. Meanwhile it appears that the warming trend of the last few decades is starting to turn the corner. It will be fun to see what the alarmists come out with if it starts to get really cold.

    • Stonyground, you are behind the times. It is not global warming any more, it is climate change. If it gets warmer it is man’s fault, if it gets cooler it is also man’s fault. Of course, all these climate scientists can make a contribution to the reduction in the production of CO2, by stopping breathing.

      • Oh yes, I understand that it had to be rebranded and why. However, the basic premise still remains that CO2 warms the atmosphere and that it will be the end of civilisation if the average global temperature rises to more than two degrees above pre-industrial levels.

  3. It’s the first ever study, people, these scientists are right at the front, pushing back the boundaries of knowledge.

    It might well also be the last ever study into the carbon footprint of sandwiches.

  4. Is there anything left to eat without the obligation to flagellate ourselves in a paroxysm of guilt about the NHS or Gaia?

    • You’d probably be ok with quinoa and tofu, since they’re dull, tasteless and uninteresting, thus eliminating the thing that most offends the finger-waggers – enjoyment. If bacon could be made equally unappealing, they’d probably approve it.

    • They won’t be happy until we’re all literally eating shit… which con-incidentally is what I want these nagging minnies to do right now.

  5. Looks like the British will just have to stick to the humble cucumber or watercrest sandwich. That is until they say it costs to much water to grow. Not to worry, there is always a tax increase to fix the problem.

  6. It would appear that it isn’t just a popular sandwich combo which is under attack, the greens now have it in for food generally. Modern farming methods are the latest target for these hard of thinking imbeciles. People who have never been properly hungry in their entire cushy little lives attacking the process that has kept them well fed since the day that they were born. Modern farming not only ensures that we have a reliable food supply, it also frees up massive amounts of land for parks, woodlands and wildlife habitats, the kind of things that you would expect green types to be happy about.

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