
I’m currently in that limbo where the funeral is still over a week away, and I’ve notified most of the people who need to know. In the meantime, life goes on.

The portion sizes of some of Britain’s most popular foods are to be cut, with health officials telling the public it is time “to get on a diet”.

Public Health England is targeting pizzas, ready meals, processed meat and takeaways, in a new obesity drive.

The government agency has also urged the food industry to start using healthier ingredients and encourage the public to opt for lower calorie foods.

It is all part of a drive to cut calorie consumption by 20% by 2024.

The target will apply to 13 different food groups, responsible for a fifth of the calorie intake of children.

Nothing changes, does it? These vile parasites are still seeking to regulate our lifestyles and we are still paying for their fat sinecures. What we eat is none of their damned business. We didn’t vote for them and they have no business telling anyone anything. Recent events have made my loathing for this scourge deeply personal.

Mrs L and I spent thirty years having half our income stolen in various taxes to pay for this. Yet when the end came, had she needed care, they wanted us to pay again because the NHS is short of funds. As it was, I and family members did the necessary and the only NHS care came from the district nurses for medical care. The kind of stuff they wanted us to pay for, I did – along with her mother, brother and sister-in-law. If the state can afford scum like PHE, then the NHS is most certainly not short of funds. Privatise it and let the private sector put some order into the chaos and misspending and put the PHE parasites out on the streets where they can try to get productive jobs like the rest of us instead of sucking our blood.

“Britain needs to go on a diet. Children and adults routinely eat too many calories, and it’s why so many are overweight or obese.”

Bollocks. Some people are fat. There have always been some people who are fat. The state’s deliberate and cynical manipulation of the thoroughly discredited BMI measurement has created an obesity epidemic that does not exist. We do not need to go on a diet, we do not need to watch our calorie intake and Duncan Selbie needs to fuck himself with the wrong end of a pineapple wrapped in razor wire. I’ll happily dib in with a pineapple next time I do the weekly shop.

Obesity is manged by burning off with exercise what you consume. That’s it really. Don’t over eat and exercise regularly. If you don’t and you die young as a consequence, well, that’s your choice. We don’t need to be paying Duncan Selbie a fat salary to tell us that.


  1. I will begin to take notice of Public Health England when they target the taxpayer funded eating troughs in the House of Frauds and the House of Common Criminals. All that rich food and expensive wines, spirits and liqueurs can’t be good for those porkers who feed from the public teat. As if that would happen though, as they would see their funding disappear faster than some peer who just signed in to get his attendance fee and then return to his club/mistress/rent boy.

  2. It really is a form of limbo, LR. You want the day of your final farewell to arrive, yet at the same, dread it approaching. When my wife died last year, I was surrounded by close family and really good friends who kept me occupied and offered support without being mawkish.
    Apart from her actual death, the worst part was after the funeral, when everyone had left, and I was on my own. I had never felt such blackness and sorrow in my soul.
    It is impossible to know what to say at such times, but I sincerely hope that you get through this with the thought that you are fortunate to have been allowed to have had your lady in your life for so long. My thoughts are with you.

  3. I was depending on you to pick up this story LR but would have understood if your current troubles had meant that you were unable to. This most recent outpouring of garbage from PHE has been accompanied by a barrage of infuriating advertisements on the radio, we are paying for those too of course. It is really annoying being preached at by people who obviously don’t have a clue what they are talking about. The notion that there is a one size fits all calorie intake for men and for women is completely absurd.

    Though we can’t be the same as proper friends, I hope that your interactions with your little band of blog-followers might be able to help in some small way. Even if it is just to take your mind of things for a few moments.

  4. Do you think people’s health care should be privatised so that corporates can make a decision on people’s care based on their life choices?

        • You pay your money and you take your choice. At least with a private company, you can take your business elsewhere if the service is unsatisfactory. I would prefer to deal with the private sector rather than the state. The private sector is not currently stealing my money in order to lecture me and hector me about my lifestyle choices. If I have to pay a higher premium for insurance, then that’s up to me, isn’t it? Having experienced the French system where there are privately operated companies in the system, I’ll take theirs over our state run system every single time. It’s expensive, but it is efficient and the quality of care is excellent. Their outcomes exceed the NHS as well.

          • What do you do when there is only one company running the service you need? What if you cannot afford the fees? Are you saying that poor people should have less right to live than wealthy people?

          • We do only have one company running the show and it’s pretty appalling. At present it is in the bottom third worldwide in terms of outcomes. Competition would be a good thing as it would drive innovation and quality of service. As for those who cannot afford it, something along the lines of the MIB would be a logical step in a purely insurance driven model.

            The French model, however, uses the state as the means of raising 75% of the funding with the rest being either pay yourself or take out insurance – or, if you are a non French citizen, take out your own insurance for the lot. This would be my preferred system having lived with it and experienced it first hand.

            Anything, frankly, would be better than the state operating the system and making decisions on our healthcare based upon our lifestyle choices such as happens now. Yes, I trust the private sector more than I trust the state – given that I don’t trust the state to run a piss up in a brewery.

          • What happens in France if you don’t have the other 25%? Do you get 45 minutes of chemotherapy instead of an hour?!

          • Nope. Stop trying to be clever. It doesn’t become you. It’s not remotely like the UK system.

            If you have a sensible argument to make then by all means make it. Trying to be a smartarse is unwelcome and makes you look a bit of a tit.

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