Well, we expected something like this, didn’t we?
Now police officers are believed to be closely watching the memorial and have told neighbours to make no attempt to remove the flowers, threatening to arrest them for ‘breaching the peace’.
Yeah, because not wanting this vile tat is breaching the police peace, while criminal scum go free from any police harassment. And these creatures expect our respect? Fuck off.
The law abiding are now the enemy
State Pikey favouritism
Link: Pensioner Who Killed Robber Forced Sell House as Police Protect Shrine to Criminal
Refusal of Gov’t and police to admit mistake and reverse is a damning indictment of their disregard of the taxpayers who pay their wages.
It is a ‘tragic death’ for Richard and Maureen Osborn-Brooks because they have to live with consequences, for the rest of us, the death of this vile scumbag, who brought it entirely on himself, has only positives.
As for the police, it is not in the least surprising that they take the side of the gypsy ‘victims’, protecting innocent people is so far down their list of priorities that it is no longer on the front page.
There’s nothing remotely tragic about this scumbag getting killed. One less on the streets. Of course, the Osborn-Brooks’ will be facing a difficult time. He’s killed someone and that will weigh heavily, but I hope not too heavily as he has done a public service in ridding us of vermin.
To be fair, one should probably add the man’s children to those affected; their fulsome ‘tributes’ have been cited as a reason for the floral incursion but they also beg several questions – such as how much did the ‘babies’ actually know about his reasons for being in the spot where their messages ended up?
I’m genuinely curious; young children are notorious for spilling the beans about home life in the classroom (as in the recent story of a mother whose weekend hangover became front-page news) so one can only assume that, until they have grasped the rules of omertà, they must be kept in the dark. Assuming they attend a normal primary school, at what age are they told the full extent of their relatives’ nefarious activities?
For adults to leave these alleged messages from his children in full view at the scene of his crime smacks of more than a touch of cynical media manipulation; unfortunately (as has happened in education and medicine), those on the front line are neither permitted nor, these days, accustomed to exercise common sense.
Unlikely, considering they are “Travellers”…
While secondary education may well be patchy, councils employ a number of liaison officers whose job is to round up Traveller young of primary age and ensure they attend school – oops, to ‘promote unhindered access and full inclusion in mainstream education’.
(I only know this because a colleague dropped out of teaching to do this – with an accompanying hike in salary.)
Breaching the peace is what the pikey scum are doing, along with harassment, threatening behaviour and “hate crime”.
Yet police say they can’t stop pikeys leaving flowers etc where robber pikey died. Yes they can, arrest for littering/fly-tipping or any/all of above. No report of “hate crime” required, police can decide – Count Dakula.
I’m sickened by this constant appeasement to enemies of UK law by Gov’t, police & judiciary. I no longer have any respect of law.
I’d welcome a military coup in UK – their allegiance is still to Queen & Country.
“…I’d welcome a military coup in UK…”
You and me both, Sir.
*raises hand*
Given that democracy should merely be a means to an end – personal liberty – and that it has failed in so may ways, I don’t exactly hold democracy in high regard.
The other thing that occurs to me here is that the property owner does not want this tacky memorial on her fence, so why are the police not upholding her right to have it removed?
The last report I read suggested that she hasn’t yet made an official complaint. I suspect she is unwilling to do so, as you can imagine what the response of the “grieving” will be…
The problem Pcar is that too many of senior Officers are Common Purpose, they slavishly follow the party line of their political leaders because by and large their appointments are political. You therefore may only really trust junior Officers (Major and below), and all Senior and Junior ranks/ratings
Good point – example their latest “inclusive” ads, pilloried on ARRSE and in some media
Link: I am chosen as new face of Blitish Army adverts
Thus, Colonel (rtd) Tim Collins proposed as coup CO
Mr & Mrs Osborn-Brooks are in protective custody. Phones disconnected. Essentially solitary confinement.
Pikeys have won.
People should go and put up flowers with a card saying: I’m so happy the filthy scumbag is dead.
Oh, no, that would be a breach of the peace and hate speech. Do keep up at the back there.
But the thing is, the average plod is not too bright. Put the flowers up some distance from the plod and he’ll just assume you’re one of the protected, beloved, pikey scumbags. By the time anyone realises different, you’ll be long gone.
Foxtrot Oscar indeed. Well put. Destroying this fly tipping crap is not a breach of the peace. I am sick and tired of this police nonsense. If they patrolled a beat they might have deterred this criminal scum for committing burglary in the first place.
Putting the flowers up on the fence=criminal damage. Putting them on the ground=Littering/Fly tipping. Just enforce the fecking law ffs. Personally I think the next person that goes to remove them should get it in writing from the person that owns the property they are being placed on, that they want them removed. then turn up with Solicitor and go ahead. Any Police attempts to stop them being removed then place the old bill in the precarious position of being sued for wrongful arrest. Come on people start using the law to fight back against authority.
Heh another idea…..if the flowers are being placed on the ground then get an elderly neighbour to trip over them and then sue the people that placed the trip hazard….and…those that stopped them being removed….The Police.
Not for the first time I agree with my peers above -and whether the fence owner wants the ‘tributes’ on his fence or not, the pavement is also being sullied and that’s council property (as TH points out).
However can someone enlighten me when this whole ‘tribute’ or ‘shrine’ thing became an assumed RIGHT of the bereaved ? Was it with the death of Princess Di or way before that? I am struggling to recall a time when show twee displays would have been considered ‘tacky’ and unworthy….’not the British way’. I know I was surprised to find in Germany in the late 80s that Germans put up small wooden crosses at the side of the road where someone died in a car crash and thinking to myself ‘what funny ways Johnny Foreigner has…although it has a ‘warning’ function I suppose’.
Around the time of Diana but it was creeping in before that, I seem to recall. It isn’t a right, of course, but these days everything is a “right”.