Oh! I Can Answer That!

Zulu is racist

But some people see things differently. Almost unbelievably, this week it emerged that more than two dozen signed an open letter to the town’s mayor, urging him to cancel the screening.

Their explanation is, in its way, a masterpiece of ignorance. ‘We believe,’ they write, ‘that the choice of the film Zulu, with its inaccurate portrayal of historical events and its distortions and racist overtones could have a negative effect on relationships within the changing and richly diverse communities here in Folkestone.’ Where do you start with all this?

You respond with a robust refusal. You tell them to fuck off and take their identity politics with them. You explain in graphic detail what they can do with the rough end of a pineapple wrapped in razor wire. Then you show the damned film again and again and you keep showing it until the vile offendatrons get the message loud and clear.

Easy, eh?

But the authorities, terrified of being branded racist, give ground. And so, almost without anybody noticing, we take one more step towards a culture defined by the suffocating narrow-mindedness of the lunatic fringe.

This. And it needs to stop.


  1. Inaccurate portrayal of historical events?? Several thousand Zulu warriors attacked a small contingent of British (Welsh) and native contingent soldiers and were held at bay. Lots of people died. In what way is it inaccurate? Not enough Welshmen in the film? Not enough real Zulus in the film?

    Distortions? Where? You want to talk about distortions go watch ” The Battle of the Bulge” and compare it to history. But I suppose that is also racist as it portrays the Germans in a particular fashion and ignores the fact the British had a major part to play.

    Racial overtones? Really?? Are they complaining that the racist white man used vollied rifle fire to defeat the spear wielding (and therefore tragically heroic) Zulu warriors?

    Didnt work so well at Isandlewhana (sorry probably spelt that wrong but cant check) where the Zulus roundly whipped the British Army.

    Pineapple with razor wire is letting them off lightly.

    • The only real inaccuracy is the location. The film was made with the magnificent backdrop of the Drakensberg mountains. Rorke’s Drift itself is surrounded by far more modest hills, but the mission has undergone far too much development for it to be used as the location.

  2. Never apologise endov.

    A rough end of pineapple wrapped in razor wire is too good for them frankly

  3. Given that Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi a current senior member of the Zulu ruling class took part in the film and has never had any issue with it. Surely the braindead dolts whinging about the film being shown are displaying Their racist views about the Zulus being too ignorant to know what is good for them and have to be “cared for” and “led” by these Libtards.

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