Partly Right

Blair raises his ugly head above the parapet again.

Tony Blair has warned that rising populist forces could risk a return to the 1930s and claimed he had “never been more worried about the future of our country” due to Brexit.

Ah, that old trope. Populism. When the left win, it’s democracy. When they lose, it’s populism. Democracy is good, populism is bad. See?

He is right in part. I too, see shadows of the nineteen thirties and the intolerance by the orthodoxy for dissent, the silencing of those with unacceptable opinions. Or, as one nasty Guardian columnist would put it.

It makes little sense to prostrate oneself at the altar of civility while others are gleefully desecrating democracy itself.

The lack of self-awareness that the vile Younge displays would be amusing if it was not for the tendency towards violence that the left is now displaying towards those who would disagree with them (and chasing people across the street when they calmly leave your restaurant to harass them further is violence and is disgraceful behaviour) – and, worse, vote for a right-wing (literally Hitler) party or candidate. Or, worse still, Brexit. It is not the right that is the thug here, it is the left. It is not the right that is using enforcers, it is the left with their rent-a-mob thugs. Younge and his like are the evil here, not those they seek to deny the basic civility of polite society – but, then, a left-wing society is not a polite one as we have seen every time the left gains the ascendancy.

Remember last Saturday’s Brexit demonstration? Yes? Well, did the media mention that at the same time there was one in favour of Brexit? I’ve no idea how many turned up for this march because the media avoided mention of it. The bias, the betrayal and the attempt to deny a voice to those who do not go along with the orthodoxy is, indeed, like the nineteen thirties. So, yes, I agree with Blair even if he would suggest that I had missed his point. I haven’t, I get his point all too well.

That Blair is sort of right doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be happy seeing him dance the hempen jump…


  1. The Beeb news that I saw did mention the Out march. After a longish segment about the Remain march. They had shownlong shots of the Remain march to prove that lots of people attended. But the only video they showed of the Out march was close in shots of the front of the column. Maybe they didn’t broadcast any long shots of the Out march because it would have shown a bigger turn out than the Beeb wanted to admit to.

  2. All academic now, as Mrs Queen has signed the BREXIT bill and that’s that. But you’re right about the left being thuggish. Unfortunately all they will achieve is to lay the groundwork for when some real Fascists turn up. Then we’re all in deep trouble.

  3. Mr. Blair is right to be concerned, as things are going we could end up with a PM who invades foreign countries on questionable premises.

  4. Same old Blair… he was on the R4 Today show this morning and Humphries asked the great anointed one whether he understood people’s concerns about unchecked EU immigration at which signal he verbally meandered off around the whole housing estate defending his record and failing to answer the question three times.

    Frankly Radio 4 should cut his mic and refuse to have this arrogant self-serving tosspot on the programme if all he going to do it preen in his own magnificence and refuse to answer simple questions.

  5. The Left do this sort of stuff on a regular basis Longrider. They actively avoid reporting of events like the Pro-Brexit march, or the FLA marches, and without doubt the Tommy Robinson Marches. Over in the US, we see Sanders kicked out of a restaurant, Fonda uttering foul obscenities along with inciting violence to minors, and the deranged Maxine Waters uttering similar rubbish. It’s a sign, I think, that they are imploding, they are losing, losing badly and they know it. Bliar knows it too, which is why he is in full derangement mode telling anybody who will listen and those who don’t want to listen that Brexit is apparently bad.

    The winds of change are blowing across the Western world, and all kicked of by Brexit. Trump victorious in 2016, Salvini in 2018, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic telling the EU to stuff it. We have the rise of nationalist, populist parties across Europe who want the return of their nation, their culture, their laws, customs and traditions. Today is Merkel’s crunch day – either she stops the migrants or the coalition collapses.

  6. The ‘left’ have re-defined language so much it is hard to describe politics anymore here or in the USA and the ‘establishment’ in all the old political parties have bought into the same ‘PC’ nonsense that appears to be directed at destroying all institutions of western civilisation, a civilisation that has some faults but is far, far better than anything that has existed before.

    Rather than there being some charismatic leader that is rousing the people to do ‘bad things’ we are seeing the people in their own way saying “Your ‘avin a laff mate!”, fed up of the destruction of their way of life and desperate for someone to give a voice and act in favour of the silenced, sensible majority for once.

  7. I love it when Blair pops up to try and keep the UK in the EU, he’s worth millions of Brexit votes all on his own. The more he opens his mouth, the more people will be sure leaving is the right thing to do. And neither he nor his BBC fans can see it……..

    • Obama, Lagarde, Carney, plus various others of the great and the good who backed remain with speeches and lectures and affirmations didn’t seem to understand just how much they riled the public and helped them decide to vote to Leave.

  8. Pretty rich coming from a scumbag who remoulded the Labour Party to make it electable, turning it into the means to make him PM, not because he had great service to give to the British people, but simply because his one guiding principle was that he wanted to be PM.

    Ordinary people hate this professional, political class which displays such utter disdain towards those who elect it, while the professional politicians are so far up themselves that they believe that the little people love them and are eternally grateful for their ‘sacrifices’. They certainly don’t realise that their persistent implosion over Brexit and Trump is an endless source of pleasure to ordinary folk.

    We should call Blair, Biggus Dickus:

    I doubt that Cherie, aka Cruella Deville, does.

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