Ealing Comes Back to Life

Only this time, it isn’t Pimlico.

The declaration of independence is affixed to the Guildhall building with all the moral force of Martin Luthernailing his 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg.

But not the physical force. The Guildhall is Grade I listed, the door in question dates to the 17th century, and modern magistrates take a dim view of criminal damage.

“It’s more Blu Tacking than nailing,” explains the man doing the affixing, Jonathan Cooper, lawyer, thinker, visionary leader of the movement for an Independent City State of Totnes.

Clearly the term “visionary” has lost a great deal of currency here. Seriously, what a pompous twat.

To the bemusement of a pair of passing American tourists, the declaration remains stuck to the Guildhall door, in the form of the “Totnes Oath”: “We affirm our allegiance to the European Union and promise to abide by and promote the universal values upon which it is based…”

A treasonous one. After all is not allegiance to a foreign power treason? And the universal values – that would be an unelected unaccountable bureaucracy that pisses laws upon member states from an unelected cabal with an unelected president that no one can remove via the ballot box. A cabal that seeks to punish those who choose to leave. Those universal values? I suggest that if Jonathan Cooper loves the authoritarian, anti-democratic values so beloved by the EU, he up-sticks and pisses off to Brussels. I’m sure they would welcome him with open arms. I realise that there is an element of levity in this gesture, but there’s nothing remotely funny about the EU and its piss-artist president.

“The greatest European civilisation was, of course, the city state of Troy,” he begins.

No it wasn’t. It was in Asia Minor. Idiot.


  1. Jonathan Cooper, like other remainers, have no positive argument for EU other than “I think it’s good”.

    Maybot appeasement latest:

    Theresa May’s government has quietly agreed with the European Union (EU) to give European courts the final say over Brexit issues, including the massive “divorce bill”, migrant rights, and the Irish border “backstop”

    …The massive concessions from the Tories will give the European Court of Justice (ECJ) effective control over any dispute involving the £39 billion payment and the status of more than three million European citizens and migrants.

    The foreign judges will also control the implementation of the plan to keep Northern Ireland locked in the bloc’s Single Market if the border cannot be kept open by other means, as the Prime Minister has agreed…

    Despicable and treason.

  2. It is brazen treason. All being subjects of HM the Queen, by opting to swap their allegiance to the EU, the are committing treason, no if’s not but’s.

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