
My heart bleeds, really it does.

A paedophile hunter who helped bring 28 sex offenders to justice has had his life ruined as ‘perverts’ sought revenge by portraying him as a paedophile online.

The problem with vigilantism is that there is a high risk of the wrong person being snared – also, there is the risk of a case being compromised as they entrap their targets, making a subsequent prosecution vulnerable. People like Josh Blakely are a problem, not a solution. So, er, tough shit, frankly. Suck it up. I have no sympathy whatsoever. If there is one thing lower than the paedophiles it is idiots like Blakely who think they are the law.

Despite reporting the profiles and web pages to police and social media companies, many remain online and new ones pop up daily – leaving Josh fearing for his safety.

Should have thought about that before taking the law into his own hands.

‘It’s had a huge impact on me and my life. If you Google my name now, my name comes up straight away as a sex offender.


‘It’s taken my identity away from me, it’s taken my freedom away from me.

‘I can’t get employment because employers won’t want to employ someone that everywhere says is a sex offender.

‘The first thing a company does is Google your name when you apply for a job. Even though I can prove that I am not a sex offender, it doesn’t stop them from thinking it.

‘In the end I had to quit my role as a hunter as my personal life was coming to a halt because of these trolls.

‘They were effectively holding me to ransom on social media and they still continue to do so today. They control my life – I have no life as I’m seen as a sex offender.’

And whose fault is that? This is an entirely self-inflicted injury and Blakely has no one else to blame but himself. If he wasn’t obsessed with paedophiles in the first place none of this would have happened.

I never did it to get famous (of course not – Ed) and never got paid for what I did. I did it purely to ensure these kids got justice and to make sure these people weren’t out there doing this.

People in the paedophile community are punishing me because I protected children – and that doesn’t make any sense to me.

Who appointed you as Paedofinder General? Oh, that’s right, no one did, you arrogant, self-righteous little prick.

Despite my reservations about the police, catching criminals is their job, not some self-appointed, pillock like Josh Blakely. He went out to play with the big boys and got hurt. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.


  1. Perhaps the PaedoFinder General Mark Williams Torquemada himself will yet face justice (after the JK case collapsed with sniveling apologies from Surrey Constab.). Anna Raccoon always said he and his ilk were the true abusers.

  2. The problem with vigilantism is that there is a high risk of the wrong person being snared

    Yep, like the paediatrician whose house was attacked

    or Cliff Richards or ……

    • Yes, the paediatrician one did rather highlight the fact that, by and large, these self-righteous, “I’m doin’ it for kiddies, so that makes it right” types do tend to be from the – how do I put this tactfully – lowest quartile, intellectually speaking …

      • Thick as pigshit and self righteous to boot. One of their targets has just committed suicide. So much for presumption of innocence and due process. They should be prosecuted for manslaughter and perverting the course of justice.

  3. There was another one a few years ago who called himself ‘Stinson Hunter’. He would set up meetings with alledged peados online. I once commented in the Telegraph that an unemployed man who spends his time posing as a thirteen year old girl on the internet, in order to get his name in the paper, is probably not someone we should be congratulating. A massive pile on ensued. It was fun while it lasted

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