What Did You Expect?

The hard left are anti-Semites, so a meeting of the hard left breaking down into an anti-jew, anti-Israel fest is hardly surprising.

‘I couldn’t believe it. It was the most undemocratic, unbalanced meeting I’d ever attended. Israel was compared to Nazi Germany, and there was talk of the ‘Jewish lobby’.

The hard left don’t do democracy. It’s a patina of pretence that they do. As far as these thugs are concerned, it’s a tool to achieve their aims. Give them absolute power and you can kiss goodbye to it forever. They know best and anyone who thinks otherwise will need to be re-educated. For the good of the collective. What we see here is the kind of nastiness we saw during the Foot years. It’s never gone away, Blair and Brown merely pushed it aside for a few years. The evil remained.

At that point, Mrs Vine said, Mr Corbyn’s supporters turned on her, calling her ‘scum’, ‘sewage’, a ‘piece of sh**’ and ‘fascist, Zionist garbage’.

And we are surprised by this? Look at the kind of garbage Corbyn cosies up to – the evil monsters of Hamas and the PLO – who hate the Jews. Not to mention, of course, the IRA and anyone who hates England and the English for good measure.

The Palestinian problem isn’t going away any time soon. And both sides are guilty of bad behaviour, but when I stand back and look on from the outside, I ask myself where will I side? The one that is a functioning democracy that is surrounded by neighbours who want to wipe it from the map, or the side that will cheerfully use a human shield while lobbing rockets at innocent civilians? Tough call. And Corbyn? Where does he stand? Oh, yes, with the terrorist. Every single time.

As a general rule when it comes to morality – if you take the opposite stance to Jeremy Corbyn, you will be pretty much okay.


  1. I ask myself where will I side? The one that is a functioning democracy that is surrounded by neighbours who want to wipe it from the map, or the side that will cheerfully use a human shield while lobbing rockets at innocent civilians? Tough call.

    Not a tough call: I side with those who do not deliberately kill civilians. Gaza occupants behave like children poking a wasp nest then crying when stung.

    Corbyn doesn’t just hate England, he hates UK, USA…. and Russia, but USSR was good, EUSSR is bad. State control of all is his utopian brave new world, terrorists are a means to an end.

  2. “…the side that will cheerfully use a human shield while lobbing rockets at innocent civilians…”

    Right. The IDF uses its weapons to protect its people: HAMAS uses its people to protect its weapons.

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