Word Salad

The Guardian is always a rich source of bullshit word salad. If councils really are ceasing to waste our money on Black History Month, that’s a good thing as they should not be involved in such race-mongering flannel in the first place. It’s not what we pay them for.

We have the Bechdel test, for measuring the portrayal of women on screen, and the Riz test, for evaluating the representation of Muslims – now we need to come up with a gauge for diversity. True diversity. Not the ridiculed kind co-opted by defensive white people who appear to see any welcoming of difference as yet another example of diversity gone mad. Lionel Shriver diversity, you might brand it. No, Wide Awoke is talking about actual, complex, intersectional, inclusive, yet-to-be-realised diversity.

Black History Month, which runs throughout October, isn’t perfect but it is a tiny respite from the other 11 months of the year, which could be described as one long, tasteless festival of white history … and, for that matter, white present and white future. Even as the Windrush scandal rumbles on and the individual tragedies of victims – such as Sarah O’Connor, who died last month still facing bankruptcy as a result of being classified an illegal immigrant after living in the UK for 51 of her 57 years – are reported, a number of councils have scrapped the name Black History Month. Or, another way of putting it: black experience has been deliberately erased.

Yup, pure word salad with all the usual leftist tropes and bullshit. One for Pseud’s Corner.


  1. Another Guardian article where comments are deactivated. It seems just coincidental that this happened at same time it went tabloid but maybe same budget constraints; I still view, because it is free, but I read far fewer articles now.

    UK is historically white so UK history is white. I don’t expect French or USA history to include much on UK history apart from conflicts; maybe Scottish curriculum would be different before 1707.

    I feel sympathy for the Windrush people caught up in this but it is not racist; descendants from white people who have returned from Australia have had the same problems.

    Those who suggest ID cards as a solution are just pushing their own agenda: if you cannot prove residency for passport or pension you cannot for ID card.

    The Guardian closing its comment section down is encouraging Twitter.

  2. o/t just tried to read the ‘respect’ post and was greeted with : ”
    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 29622272) (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /nfs/c08/h06/mnt/121510/domains/longrider.co.uk/html/blog/wp-includes/class-wp-http-curl.php on line 178″

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