Arsehole of the Day

Ian Jack in the Guardian (where else?).

Churchill and the film-maker: sadly, their dream of England persists.

Jack goes on to regale us about the 1939 film The Four Feathers. Of course, he disapproves because it has brave Englishmen doing the sort of things brave Englishmen did at that time. Jack is the kind of English-hating Guardianista that we have come to expect.

In 1942, Korda became the first film producer or director to receive a knighthood. After the war, he paid Churchill £50,000 (the equivalent of about £2m today) for the rights to A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, though no film was made.

Their joint idea of England unhelpfully persists.

Frankly, if he hates it (and us) so much, why doesn’t he piss off to some shithole that fits his idea of Nirvana. We won’t miss him. All I can say is this; if Churchill’s idea of England didn’t exist in 1939, we wouldn’t be arguing about the EU and Brexit about now, having been absorbed into an earlier version.

I really cannot put it any better than the first comment to this dire, risible piece of ordure from “Dipper 72”:

Cry me a river.

Christ this bloke writes some rubbish.

Scottish Independence would have been very welcome for a number of reasons not least of which would have been to rid ourselves of a certain kind of Scotty.

To mention a film about Lord Nelson just shows what he’s all about, Nelson is the absolute bona fide biggest hero in British history. Without his daring genius and ultimate sacrifice we would have faced invasion and probable defeat from a far greater French army.

People like this, all they can do is boo and hiss from the peanut gallery.

Ha! Even as I was copying and pasting, the moderators have deleted the comment because “community guidelines”. Well, I have preserved it for posterity.


      • It;s interesting that people with Dipper 72’s views (I agree with him on this by the way) are looking at the Guardian website. I look at the Guardian site most days as I think their reporting is good on the whole (opinion pieces are another matter) and I’ve noticed that a good proportion of comments are definitely not of a typical “Guardianista” standpoint.

  1. Jesus if this man is offended by something Churchill allegedly did 76 years ago he’d better not study too much history… what would he make of Richard the Lionheart?

  2. Frankly, if he hates it (and us) so much, why doesn’t he piss off to some shithole that fits his idea of Nirvana. We won’t miss him.


    I can not understand why or how UK born can detest their country so much, it’s not rational. As you say, why don’t they emigrate – EU is open for them.

    CIF deleting patriotic pro UK comment – no surprise; surprise is comments were allowed.

    Another Arsehole of the Day – Man Child Trudeau aka Green:

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