It’s Okay When We Do It

The Guardian again engaging in rank hypocrisy.

A surge in Ukip membership is shifting the party decisively towards the far right, as long-standing moderates are replaced by entrants attracted by an anti-Islam agenda based on street protest, a Guardian investigation can reveal.

I will make a couple of points here. Firstly, they are not lurching to the far right”. More right than they were before, possibly, but not even close to the “far right”. They are only “far right” if you are viewing from a position on the “far left” somewhere to the left of Mao Tse Tung or Uncle Joe Stalin.

Secondly, when Momentum used entryism to take the Labour Party in a leftwards direction, the Guardian was remarkably silent on the matter. Because, apparently, that’s okay when they are doing it. If there is, indeed a surge to the right, it is not because people are becoming more extreme, but because the run of de-platforming and oppressive attempts at censorship by the establishment on  the left has created a backlash. Silencing free speech – including speech on the fringes – does not make the ideas go away, it just makes those people more angry. Eventually, the wall of censorship will break. With a bit of luck, that is what is happening now. What these vile hate-mongering, fake news peddling journos call “far right” is simply ordinary people who are sick of being labelled extreme for simply voicing perfectly reasonable opinions – and in a modern, liberal western society, anti-Islamic opinions are rational and reasonable. It is, after all, a barbaric, medieval death cult as Tommy Robinson has accurately pointed out. If people are pushing back against the regressive left, that is a good thing.

Actually, I’m allowing myself a modicum of optimism.


  1. I don’t think that I can be accused of being racist or Islamophobic for criticising Islam. This is because I consider all religion to be poisonous infantile drivel. All of it is harmful and repressive to varying degrees, Islam just happens to be the worst at present.

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