How to Miss the Point.

Social media whiners spoil comedy with their political correctness.

Comedy is being restricted by a troop of social media whingers with a ‘Victorian moral code’ complaining about jokes, a BBC boss said.

Shane Allen – who is launching the British Comedy Foundation – said the country’s comedic traditions were threatened by political correctness.

This isn’t exactly new, is it? These purse-lipped lemon sucking puritans have been rushing to social media to complain for a number of years now. The solution?

He believes the creation of a comedy charter could help to deal with viewers’ complaints, particularly around political offence.

Oh dear… No, you don’t need a new charter. What you need to do is recognise that a few vociferous idiots on Twatter do not represent the rest of the world. So, no charter, just a sharp reminder that you will ignore them and if they don’t like it, no one is forcing them to watch. If enough people do this, if enough people stand up to these cry-bullies, they will eventually get the message. It is only working at the moment because people cave in and apologise to them, whereupon emboldened by their success, they move on to their next victim.

Grow up and grow a pair, for crying out loud. You don’t need a charter to do that – just a little fortitude.


  1. Shane Allen’s “Comedy” Charter: no anti left, sjw permitted.

    Shane Allen, how about prime-time slot for an anti left, sjw, remain comedian to counter Frankie Boyle’s spit & bile against Leave, UKIP, Right non-comedy?

    Where’s OFCOM on hate & inflammatory Boyle?

  2. Maybe the reason that our democracy is completely screwed up is because politicians don’t even have to fear having the piss ripped out of them. Ridicule was once a way for holding them to account, now they can have you locked up for causing offence. The answer of course is for everyone to cause offence as often as possible, not a non offence charter.

  3. OT: Rolling Thunder on Saturday


    Did you participate?

    I did, local meet up before ride to xxx City event was 1/2 mile from house; 50/50 “Loud Hogs” & Jap/Euro and unlike London no scooters. Exit from meet up (free) car-park took ~20 mins

      • Pass my thanks onto your club members for their support.

        Shameful: Soldier B now to be tried for murder for doing his duty 47 years ago

        Again applying 2019 RoE & training to 1960s-80s – not justice.

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