And Another One

These anti-Brexit memes are a bit like shooting fish in a barrel. But have fun with this one:

Okay, I could go through each of these, but I’ll let you pick your favourites. Mine is the bit about EUrocrats being elected. The parliament certainly is and no one has suggested otherwise. The commission, where the power rests, is not and to suggest that it is an elected body is an outright lie. The usual claim here is that they are selected by elected governments and this gives the whole shebang some sort of democratic legitimacy, but that’s merely a sleight of hand. They are not directly accountable to the demos. They are not elected.

I also like the bit about dismissing the £350m. It doesn’t exist. Oh yes it does.

In 2017 the UK government paid £13 billion to the EU budget, and EU spending on the UK was forecast to be £4 billion. So the UK’s ‘net contribution’ was estimated at nearly £9 billion.

If I take twenty quid from you and generously give you back a fiver and tell you how you may spend it, would you prefer that or to keep the original twenty? Everyone with half a brain cell was aware that the £350m per week was a gross figure.

I also like the Rees-Mogg poisoning the well bit, too. So what if he’s made money and wishes to avoid tax (don’t we all?)? This is relevant how? Oh, that’s right, it isn’t. Likewise wealthy campaigners relocating their money where the greedy, grasping state cannot get its hands on it. Good for them. I would do the same in their shoes.

And, no, I don’t know anyone who thought about the colour of the passport when casting their vote.

This is the usual bollocks on stilts. But feel free to pick away at those I’ve not mentioned.


  1. “Vote was not legally binding”

    How convenient. Maybe we should have forced the snakes to sign some kind of contract before having the vote. The inconvenient part is that if we don’t get independence then democracy is dead and the political classes can do just what they want to without any accountability whatsoever. Guess what remainers, you will be screwed just the same as everyone else.

  2. Memes? More like a series of highly misleading statements. Apart from the Unicorns. Unfortunately they don’t exist. I feel sorry for the Fantasy Gamers, they must feel so cheated.

  3. Aren’t all vetoes disappearing in 2020? (or at least being severely curtailed).

    A blue British passport is not the same as a blue EU one ( I know they think we’re stupid but for fucks sake!)

    600m per week? So we’re £85 billion or so worse off compared to 2016? I’d like to know how they worked that out.

    “We always had sovereignty”. See 2020 above.

    “£350 million never existed”. YES IT DID! But the unicorns fucked off with it.

    • UK Parliament reduced to talking shop?

      Yes says WikiP

      The Treaty of Lisbon allows national parliaments eight weeks to study legislative proposals made by the European Commission and decide whether to send a reasoned opinion stating why the national parliament considers it to be incompatible with the principle of subsidiarity. National parliaments may vote to have the measure reviewed. If one third (or one quarter, where the proposed EU measure concerns freedom, justice and security) of national parliaments are in favour of a review, the Commission would have to review the measure and if it decides to maintain it, must give a reasoned opinion to the Union legislator as to why it considers the measure to be compatible with subsidiarity.

      Have politicians, Al Beeb and msm told us?

      Of course not, we “wouldn’t understand” – Boeing, Pilots & MCAS?

      Don’t dismiss as “fake news” if it sounds outlandish.

  4. Tim Worstal has encountered the accusation that Brexiteers can’t name a single EU regulation that they would want to see repealed.

    His acolytes have of course delivered their refutation of this vile slur in spades.

    Shooting fish in a barrel indeed.

      • acolyte
        a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.
        an assistant or follower.

        Given that the first usage is clearly not being used here, it’s a perfectly reasonable description I’d have said.

        • follower

          ” a person who supports and admires a particular person or set of ideas.

          synonyms: acolyte, assistant, attendant, satellite, companion, retainer, henchman, minion, lackey, toady, servant, page, squire, worshipper”

          None apply, I read some and agree/partially-agree/disagree as most at his place do; TW’s “CO2 bad” madness is most contentious. His disparagement of Spiked another.

          Thus, acolyte – usually perceived as “worshipper” is rather disparaging and extreme imo

          • To follow his blog simply means that. It does not automatically imply agreement with everything that is said. I tend to agree and disagree along the same lines as you do, but I definitely fit within the broad description of supporting and admiring a set of ideas.

            That said, I do get irritated by the transgender clickbaiting as what follows us usually a bunfight to see who can produce the most vile, ignorant and ill-informed claptrap in the comments section. And, no, it isn’t NiV. His responses merely generate massive strawmanning by people who cannot be bothered to read and comprehend what he is saying through the red mist that forms before their eyes.

            All of that said, I think you are being over sensitive here.

  5. What! Unicorns don’t exist!!!
    However will we keep the lights on when the wind isn’t blowing!

    On the serious side, the way the EU have treated the Brexit situation just emphasises the validity of LEAVE. Battles are not won on the first day. This will be a iong struggle.

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