Yeah, Think I’ll Pass

I won’t be buying one of these vile contraptions.

A university student who won a national award for designing a chair that stops men from manspreading has faced vile rape threats.

Laila Laurel, 23, studying at the University of Brighton, created the piece of furniture to stop men from widening their legs and encroaching on other people’s personal space.

In her design, two bits of wood are positioned on the seat to physically stop whoever is sitting down from moving their legs apart.

She received the award last week but says that she has been sent ‘unpleasant backlash’ since, with men sending explicit photos and rape threats to her Instagram account.

Pretty unpleasant, to be sure, but she has jumped on a bandwagon that is clearly anti-male and her invention is pure misandry. There is no such thing as manspreading, just as there is no such thing as mansplaining, Islamophobia, Transphobia or homophobia or any of the other Woken SS manufactured “crimes.”

Some people spread themselves about on public transport and both sexes are guilty of this. The usual technique is to spread bags over the next seat, for example and then getting huffy when someone wants to sit in it. It’s just that some people are rude and inconsiderate. It is not a man thing, it is a people thing.

So, while I disapprove of sending dick pics to this woman, expressing disdain for her grotesque virtue signalling is just dandy and it’s what I’m doing here. And, frankly, if this is her idea of design, she wasted her money on that university course.


  1. Where exactly is the market for such a product? Are they going to install them on public transport? Well it isn’t as if I need another reason not to use it. Instead I will endeavor to offend her delicate sensibilities by cycling in full on MAMIL outfit.

  2. People’s personal space

    Where did this bollocks come from? Is everybody allocated a specific amount? It appears to be just an extension of the “Safe Space” where snowflakes can hide if any non-PC words are uttered in their vicinity…

  3. Clearly the design makes women spread their legs, while men have to keep their knees together. Not natural for either sex.

    And I’d be very interested to hear her logic as to why ladies have a substantial block of wood between their legs.

    I very much doubt gender specific chairs will catch on at airports or restaurants, or even in NHS waiting rooms. The chairs are woefully unsuitable for tubbies, the pregnant and I doubt any cross dresser will be comfortable in the wifie chair.

    But she did get her award and lots of publicity. And she’s staying in the public eye by sharing the downside of being there.

    • If these chairs were installed in waiting rooms, I suspect men would use the “female” chairs so they could sit in comfort and women would use the “male” chairs so they could sit with dignity.

      Personally, I “manspread” because I have tender dangly bits that demand room. Nothing sinister, just a pair of balls.

  4. Her invention definitely is pure misandry. How is manspreading a problem on a single person chair?

  5. Not quite sure what the practical implementation of this is? Is this in the back of some Corbinites calling for women only carriages on trains – not sure that will go down with the Trans lobby too well! Your comments are spot on – surfing the misandrist wave and will hopefully end up in a burqa sooner rather than later when Sharia law kicks in…

  6. If I’m on crowded public transport I will always press my legs together, because I’m a civilized human being. It never feels natural, it is never comfortable. I suspect the problem is that most men have a narrow pelvis compared to most women who have a wider pelvis (for childbirth). If you have a narrower pelvis then for stability and comfort it is natural for the thighs to splay outwards.
    Activists like the woman in question could push for wider seats overall or, heaven forbid, wider seats for men! But we knew that was never going to happen.

  7. I’ve seen pictures of the chairs now and have to say that they are pretty naff. I saw them at a site called Bored Panda which is generally populated by fairly woke types, the comments were pretty much all negative though.

  8. What a crazy world we live in where awards are given for sticking two pieces of wood on a chair to stop men from spreading their legs.

  9. I showed a similar design to the late lamented Mrs Whitehouse to ensure that modest young ladies displayed a proper young Christian modesty when out and about in public. This was vilely lampooned by the disgusting BBC who described my efforts as “uncool” and “unhip”

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