…to your constituencies and prepare for government.
Activists at conference in Bournemouth speculated they could end up with 200 MPs
Delusional. Utterly fucking delusional. They have increased from their measly 12 seats to 18 because MPs have defected from the Tories and Labour. Don’t be too surprised if those defectors are ejected at the next election. But 200 seats? Jeebus, I’ll have some of what they’ve been smoking down in Bournemouth.
“Prepare for Government” Who does that remind me of… ah yes, a speech by Liberal Democrat leader David Steele. Whatever happened to him?
Returned to his old activities felching their Lordships. The only difference is the seats are red leather and the toilets cleaner and more roomy.
Her behaviour struck me immediately of him – the same level of delusion.
As is always the case, they squeal, squirm, point fingers at all sorts of people, but have never, ever, come up with a solution to anything! They’re always secondary arguers, waiting until someone makes a comment, then try to oppose it!
Hardly leadership!
They’ll be lucky to get 20, never mind 200. Cretins.
Quite. Business as usual.
Isn’t it a plank of their manifesto to cancel Brexit? Surely even people who voted remain will despise them for that one. Democrats, hahahahahaha.
They aren’t liberal either.
Folk rise up and storm break loose!
“Buoyant Liberal Democrats” Yes, shit floats
Liberal Undemocrats – finished at the next election which is why they don’t want to have an election. Very popular of course within the M25 nutcase belt. They’ve managed to wipe out their formerly strong support in the West Country by insulting the electorate by calling them white people who don’t get out much.
Didn’t they p*ss off the West Country electorate a few years ago by saying that hunting was wrong? As I recall the only LimpD candidates that had reasonable results in that election were the ones who ignored the party line.
OT but have you seen Sunday’s Dilbert cartoon? https://dilbert.com/
As usual, on the button.