1. This morning I told Merkel to go and take a flying fuck at a rolling donut and that if I didn’t get a 4k video confirmation by 11am, we would be leaving without a deal.

    I have to tell you now that no such video has been received and that consequently France can no longer delude itself that it is anything other than the absolute bitch of Germany. And nor can any of the others.

    We’ll have the last laugh, we always do.

  2. Why was it so difficult to understand that the unelected failed politicians of the EU would fight tooth and nail to hang on to their comfy sinecures? They simply can’t allow the UK to leave and succeed because it would result in the entire house of cards collapsing. How difficult would it be to outperform the EU when it is weighted down with a massive and unproductive bureaucracy and we aren’t? Could it possibly be true that our domestic politicians are actually starting to have some vision and some balls?

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