When You Are Over the Target

That’s when you get the flak

Boris Johnson described protesters from Extinction Rebellion on Monday night as “uncooperative crusties” occupying “heaving hemp bivouacs” on the streets of Westminster.

Sounds fair enough to me Brendan O’Neill was even less complimentary. Although equally accurate about these morons.

At the Extinction Rebellion protest site on Trafalgar Square on Tuesday morning, Nicola Hargreaves snorted as she considered the prime minister’s remarks. “I’m a solicitor,” she said. “And I’m dressed in clothes from Whistles that I’m pretty sure don’t have any hemp in them at all. So Boris can shove his comments up his arse.”

Disbelieving when told where the prime minister had been speaking – at the launch of a biography of Margaret Thatcher, which he advised the protesters to read – Hargreaves, 50, added: “It makes me half angry, and half I laugh at him because he’s so ridiculous, he’s devolved from reality.”

Being a solicitor doesn’t negate the comment and he is not the one devolved from reality here. He is right. And as for being divorced from reality – these people are peddling the same doomsday cult that has been going on for decades and every time one of their ridiculous predictions fails to materialise, they come up with another one. In the meantime, they think that holding cities to ransom is legitimate protest. It is not. It is not an expression of free speech, it is intimidation, blackmail and bullying. No one voted for these fuckers and they represent no one but themselves, so the only things that need shoving up arses are their bloody boats up their arses, thankyou very much.

The police need to move these people on and the courts need to pass down sever sentences to every one of these arseholes who is prosecuted and found guilty.

So, yes, as Brendan says,

Yesterday, in London, I witnessed an eerie, chilling sight: I saw a death cult holding a ceremony in public.

And that is what they are. The modern equivalent of the nutter with the sandwich board proclaiming that the end is nigh. At least you could just ignore the nutter. These scumbags are disrupting our cities and it needs to stop.


  1. I have an SUV. If these idiots were in my way I would give them one clear warning and then drive over them.

  2. They parked what could easily have been a a 10 ton truck bomb next to the Treasury, without being stopped. I am sure others will have watched and learned.
    Do we stop them before or after a repeat of Oklahoma City?
    Or are the Met to busy believing Nick and his ilk, to care?

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