
This has the sticky hands of Richard Murphy all over it.

New study deems Amazon worst for ‘aggressive’ tax avoidance

Oh, a study!

Except that it isn’t really, is it?

Amazon, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Apple and Microsoft have been named in a report by tax transparency campaign group Fair Tax Mark as avoiding tax by shifting revenue and profits through tax havens or low-tax countries, and for also delaying the payment of taxes they do incur.

The Fair Tax Mark is Richard Murphy sitting in an end terrace in Ely, spitting bile at anyone and everyone because no one will listen to him. And rightly so. The man is so stupendously ignorant, he is a regular cause for humour over at Timmy’s.

Of course, this example of the politics of spite and envy does find a ready ear over at the Guardian where hypocrisy is the defining character of the publication and its contributors. How are their tax affairs these days? Still using offshore accounts and dubious trust finds?

Not that I have a problem with either. I’m all for aggressive tax avoidance and in my own small way, I do just that. Tax avoidance is, after all, perfectly legal and moral.

So, nothing to see here, then.

Which brings me to this piece of nastiness.

I am reminded of that line in Indecent Proposal where they get down to negotiating a price. This is theft. Pure and simple. That’s what this fuckwit means. Stealing. So the question is, at which figure does this vile moron think that taking without consent ceases to be stealing? And if he thinks that the money won’t get pissed away by NGOs, think-tanks, fake charities and wasteful government departments and focus groups, he’s living in some kind of fantasy land. Twat!



  1. Surely if these companies can keep their prices low by not paying so much in tax, the poor folks, like me, can afford things we wouldn’t be able to otherwise. This means the person in the street is benefiting, we are just avoiding the middleman (taxman), who would send the benefits to others. We all pay taxes so why not get some benefits even if it is in a roundabout way?

    • What these “fair tax” idiots seem to forget – apart from there being no such thing – is that people pay taxes, not corporations. So if Amazon is forced to pay more tax, someone has to foot the bill. Owners, shareholders, employees and customers. And the biggest shareholders in these companies? Ordinary peoples’ pension plans, so that’s us again.

      If these idiots really want to pay more tax, then so be it, they can send a cheque to HMRC instead of bleating about “fair tax”. There is what the law demands – not one penny more, not one penny less.

      As for Richard Murphy and his insane agenda, even Corbyn’s crowd decided that it was mad and wanted nothing to do with him.

  2. It’s not the nastiness that gets me. It’s the fact that people like this think billionaires have all their wealth sitting around in large piles of cash (presumably so they can go swimming in it a la Scrooge McDuck). No thought as to how this wealth, once seized, could ever be turned into actual money to spend…

  3. Just another inadequate with the “I haven’t got it so you shouldn’t have it either” syndrome.

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