
Having just polished off a nice late breakfast fry-up, you can take it that I’m not doing veganuary.

Two days into Veganuary and the head-scratching confusion over just exactly what veganism is continues.

Only in the navel-gazing pages of leftist publications such as the Indy and the Guardian. The rest of us just get on with it and ignore them.

The perception of veganism as a diet or passing fad has somehow clung on in the health pages of our newspapers, in cookery columns, and in the miniature portions meted out to vegans in pubs across the land.

It is a fad. If you want to follow an entirely plant-based diet, then no one is stopping you. Unlike the militant vegans who are trying to force the rest of us into compliance with their preferred fad, who storm eateries and bully diners and workers alike with their nasty protests. Like the rest of the leftist idiocracy we are bombarded with, it’s a one-way street. We are expected to bow down to this religion, but a reciprocal respect to those of us who prefer not to follow it is not forthcoming.

It is, or should be common knowledge by now, that giving up or cutting down on meat and dairy is the right thing to do for the sake of our planet.

Oh, fuck off! Seriously, stick your junk science up your arse where it belongs. Next they will be telling us that my bacon brekkie is responsible for the bush fires in Australia…

Bush fires are raging in Australia; the Great Barrier Reef is seriously degraded; Antarctica is melting into the sea.


It is high summer in Australia. Bush fires tend to happen in high summer. Are they worse this year? Possibly so but it’s not unprecedented. This year seems to have been exacerbated by a lack of rain. Again, these things go in cycles. Climate driven catastrophes tend to vary, much like the ice coverage in the arctic, which is stubbornly refusing to melt beyond what is typical for the season. But apparently eating meat is responsible in the mixed up world of the ethical vegans – who are not remotely ethical because they think they have the right to bombard the rest of us with their junk science and use whatever means necessary to force the rest of us to comply. People who make demands forfeit the right to call themselves ethical.

We now have the absurd situation where this belief is now protected by law. Truly, we are entering a dystopian nightmare.

Making the personal choice to live more ethically deserves better than these eyebrow-raises from the media. What we need instead is more information, more attention paid to ‘the diet’, and better questions. Such as: why isn’t the government doing more to change the way we eat, given that the overwhelming majority of climate science has been repeating for years that reducing meat intake is crucial to the survival of our ecosystem?

Because – and I will type this slowly – what we eat is none of the government’s fucking business and it’s none of your fucking business either. I don’t tell you what to eat, so you don’t get to tell me what to eat. And, no, your risible junk science and doomsday cult doesn’t cut it. Fuck off! Seriously, fuck the fuck off!

For the right wing and retrograde, veganism is an attack on family values, masculinity, common sense and tradition – one of those movements that, along with feminism, racial equality and queer rights, sometimes goes a bit too far (such as the ruling today by an employment tribunal that veganism is a belief protected by law).

Strawman. And, yes, the ruling did go too far. What people choose to eat is a personal matter and nothing to do with the law.

Veganuary is a tolerable endeavour, which apparently leads to people taking up veganism seriously, but it also hugely participates in the public perception of veganism as faddish and juvenile virtue-signalling. Granting ‘the diet’ a modicum of respect, and wider, more educated coverage in our media, would be a good start.

Veganuary is fatuous wankery – just as is the Stoptober idiocy. It is an attempt by self-righteous virtue signallers to push their agenda by trying to make others feel guilty. Well, I don’t feel guilty and I’ll carry on eating whatever I damned well want to eat. So, fuck off, if I didn’t already tell you that. And if I did, fuck off again for good measure. Your diet is your business, mine is my business.


  1. If you are dining out, and the establishment is invaded by virtue-signalling SJWs, just point out to them that:-
    a) they are really pissing off a large crowd of carnivores,
    b) they are made of meat.

  2. This writer says that we need more information so here is some. Antarctica isn’t melting, the Great Barrier Reef isn’t in any kind of trouble and the current fires in Oz are the result of poor forest management. Oh yes, and prophets of doom are always wrong, always, without a single exception that I am aware of.

  3. A vegan diet causes more flatulence. Which directly increases the volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Save the planet, eat meat.

  4. This guy has an explanation for the Australian bush fires and it is all caused by Environmentalism. He’s done a series of postings on the problem listed about half way down the entry here:

    A separate posting carries on the explanation:

    Makes sense to allow highly flammable wood packed with resin and that burns fiercly to pile up in a country that is bone dry and make it against the law to remove it from the forest floor, eh?

  5. If vegans just eat fruit and veg there isn’t a problem. Unfortunately the food they eat are highly processed as they try and create cheese without dairy, meat without meat etc. The processing of foods causes more problems regardless whether it is animal based or plant based.
    So best to go back to basics regardless of what your preferred diet is.

  6. Weren’t 87% of those Aussie bush fires started by arsonists? Compounded by a politically inspired refusal to allow the clearance of underbrush?

    Yes it’s been around 40 Celsius, but that’s nothing unusual in NSW at this time of year. Last time I was there in January 2018 we had a few days when temperatures were 40-42 Celsius.

  7. I must confess that, reading the Waitrose weekend magazine yesterday, some of their vegan recipes looked pretty good. I expect I’ll pick one up. Probably the mushroom oriental dish.

    When it’s on the ‘buy it now!’ knock down price shelf, like most of the rest of the vegan stuff in other supermarkets.

  8. cutting down on meat and dairy is the right thing to do for the sake of our planet.

    Except, it isn’t.

    The spread of veganism will not solve climate problems linked to the farming sector and could even harm the environment, scientists have warned.

    Agricultural experts from Edinburgh University and Scotland’s Rural College said that environmental campaigners had “demonised” the industry.

    If the planet went meat-free, it would lose the biodiversity essential to sustaining a healthy ecosystem, they said. Veganism would not improve land use and millions of farmers who depended on their livestock would suffer.

  9. Too true. In my book Vegans are mentally ill and should be certified. If any invade my space while i am enjoying a nice T bone they will get punched. End of story !!!

  10. My problem isn’t with vegans specifically, I have a problem with people who think that it is their business to tell other people how to live their lives. The so called climate crisis is just a really convenient excuse for these kinds of people. It really is long past the time when anyone who bangs on about climate change should be ridiculed as an ignorant and gullible fool.

  11. I wish to post a comment, this is to see if I can do so before taxing my patience if it fails.

  12. I don’t know what all the fuss is about concerning Veganuary, I think it is a great idea but it should work both ways, us normal people give up meat in January then they conform to our clever misuse of words in later months and eat meat, the following are my suggestions.
    May Meat-Ah-Yummy
    I’m not clever enough to find names for the other three months but I reckon it gives us a good start, if it happens I will be investing in sick bag shares.
    Good blogsite, one of my daily reads, keep up the good work.

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