I Am Not A Number

The Guardian is a far left, extremist rag that peddles communism.

The age of the individual must end – our world depends on it


In the face of global catastrophe, it’s hard not to feel daunted. What can I, an individual, do to address such a crisis? Understanding that my daily actions are partly responsible for climate change, I feel a gnawing sense of sense of individual guilt.

Ah, yes, the piety of the far left extremist who thinks we are all guilty. Fuck off and take your guilt with you. The people who are guilty regarding the Australian bush fires are the same people who are guilty of the flooding of the Somerset levels. Ignorant bureaucrats and politicians who have outlawed traditional methods of managing them and now blame it on “climate emergency”. Go fuck yourselves.

And, no, I do not feel remotely guilty.

But, of course, this whole thing is a mere Trojan horse. It is an excuse for a comeback by the people who saw the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union as mere setbacks on the road to serfdom for the rest of us. I am old enough to remember the cold war. I lived through it. I can remember the monsters who maintained the old Soviet bloc and I travelled across the Iron Curtain in the eighties and talked to people who lived under it. Now we are seeing a new flavour dressing up an old evil – they have thrown in some Catholic guilt along with a new scare story as a means of pushing their communism – but make no mistake here, this is merely an old evil with a new visage. That noise you hear is the millions who died under Soviet communism spinning in their graves.

It’s perhaps not surprising that I feel like this. I was a child of the 1980s and a teenager in the 90s: my formative years were during something like the most individualistic age in history. While I learned times tables at primary school, Margaret Thatcher was telling the nation there was no such thing as society.

Okay, this is the point to stop reading this man’s utter drivel. The lack of research here says it all. You see, if he had done the most basic research and taken the time to try to understand what was being said, he would realise that this is a gross misrepresentation of what she was saying.

There’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first.

She was saying precisely the opposite of what her detractors accuse her of when they take the quote out of context and here we are, three decades on and fuckwits such as Tom Oliver are still peddling this idiotic trope – either through stupidity, being unable to follow a fairly simple argument, or through mendacity.

What we have is naked communism being peddled via this climate emergency bollocks and the communist’s greatest foe is the individual and his liberty. There is no climate emergency. We do not need an enforced collective. As Mrs T rightly pointed out, we are a loose collection of individuals and individual rights and liberty are what matter. I’d die on the barricades before I allow myself to be forced into a collective with the Tom Olivers of this world.

He’s using this drivel of an article to shill his book. I won’t be reading it.


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