
If ever there was evidence that Twitter is strictly for cretins, this is it.

A restaurant in Liverpool has attracted online ridicule for selling an 8oz “ladies fillet” steak, which is smaller than the other cuts on its menu.

The entry for the £18.95 dish on the Manhattan Bar and Grill menu reads: “One for the ladies! A beautiful 8oz cut, because we can!”

The dish garnered online attention when the food and drink writer Vicky Andrews tweeted a photo of the menu with the caption: “Would you order a ‘ladies fillet’?” She added: “Perhaps it is pink and the boys’ one is blue.”

The Observer restaurant critic and writer Jay Rayner seemed at a loss for words, tweeting: “A fillet for the laydeez. Because… I mean.. but…”

As word spread on Twitter, many users began to make fun of the idea of having a smaller dish for women, with criticisms ranging from it being patronising to plain sexist.

Of course the mindless, moronic wokerati reacting like this is not remotely surprising. It’s what they do – behave like simpletons when that dog whistle blows, not once engaging the minuscule clump of globular cells that passes as their brain matter to actually look beyond the headline.

Because, there is a story behind the headline.

“We’ve never had any complaints about it before. I think it’s been blown out of proportion. We were asked by a lot of female customers and a lot of hen parties for a smaller steak because they couldn’t finish it,” he said.

That’s right they are a business that responded to customer requests. Fuck me, how awful of them. How sexist. On the other hand, nothing to see here, move along. Except that the vacuous, pant-wetting morons on Twitter need something to get their knickers in a knot over.

Asked whether the restaurant might consider using a more neutral name for the dish when it reviewed its menu in April, he said: “Maybe we will look at changing it. In light of what people have been saying, it’s certainly something to consider.”

No! Don’t do that. Once you do, these fuckwits will move onto the next target. It encourages them. Never give into a Twitter mob. Stick to giving your customers what they asked you for. They, after all, are the ones paying you. Meanwhile, by sticking to your guns, you get some free publicity courtesy of the wanker wokerati.


  1. One problem with this is that 8oz is an ideal size for me. Maybe they should change the menu to ‘One for the ladies and wimps’. They should feed the Twitter frenzy rather than bend to it, as it’s free publicity. Notice no one has complained that they charge £18.95 for a plate of steak and chips; that’s scandalous!

  2. We used to do smaller (and cheaper) meals for older folk. They were very popular. It wasn’t thought to be ageist. But that was back then…

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