Interesting Times

I find myself agreeing with Spreadsheet Phil.

Philip Hammond says a plan to allow the economy to escape the lockdown must be published next week, because the country will be “living with Covid” for a long time.

He’s right. Corona viruses are RNA viruses, so will mutate quickly and it’s an ongoing thing. It’s why we don’t have a cure for the common cold, it’s why the flu vaccine is only partially effective. The idea that we could all hide away for an extended period of time and it will go away is an act of collective insanity, the like of which I have not seen in my lifetime. It is lunacy, idiocy and gross vandalism.

The economy will collapse, people will lose their jobs as businesses fold and people will suffer physically and mentally. And, yes, people will die as a consequence.

Oh, but I am told staying at home saves lives. No, it fucking doesn’t. The stay at home mantra was never about saving lives, it was about easing the burden on ICU capacity. Yet this puerile, infantile propaganda has spread much like the virus itself and people chant it as if it is warding off demons. The whole world has regressed into infantilism and superstition while wittering about “the science” without understanding what scientific process actually involves. The stupid is really hurting now. Literally.

A friend of mine wondered why we shouldn’t wait until there is a vaccine (because, saving lives). She had no idea what I meant when I talked about an RNA virus and why waiting for a vaccine will do more harm than good. And she is an educated woman. She is typical. I am the odd one out.

And anyone who dares to suggest an adult solution – that we need to end this madness and get back to work is effectively accused of wanting people to die. Of course I don’t want people to die, but we must all die sooner or later and those who will die as a consequence of contracting this virus will do so – if not in this wave, the next or the one after that. The government (PBUH) cannot “save lives” as it is not in its remit or capacity to do so. All it can do is manage testing capacity and resources necessary to deal with the care of those who fall sick – I make no case here for private healthcare as that’s another discussion. It cannot stop this nor can it save lives, for the government is not imbued with god-like powers. Although listening to some of the discussions going on, you’d think ministers can now walk on water. Oddly, much of this is coming from those who vigorously opposed the Tories at the last election, so the madness is absolute.

“The reality is that we have to start reopening the economy. But we have to do it living with Covid,” Mr Hammond said.

“We can’t wait until a vaccine is developed, produced in sufficient quantity and rolled out across the population. The economy won’t survive that long.”

Quite, So let’s get on with it, FFS!


  1. Common sense is in short supply now (perhaps it’s being hoarded by some people) and so is a rational view of the risks. The MSM-indoctrinated masses seem to be wanting zero risk before they will venture out of their own houses again.

    NEWSFLASH: Everything has a risk!

    I’m struggling to grasp how and why people don’t get this.

    Hiding in a bunker for the rest of your life doesn’t seem like a very good way to live it, to me, but apparently that’s what the majority want. Bonkers!

    And when you make your view plain, the response usually comes down to: “You just want people to die” or “You’re going to kill people”.

    When is this madness going to end? Can we get some grown-ups in charge?

  2. All the data is wonky. So tired of trying to convince people of this simple fact. When it all really goes tits up they will get it, by which time it will be too late.

      • Business Grants/Loans

        USA: Trump’s Mr Steven Mnuchin insisted application was 1 side of A4. Result: over $500 Billion done

        UK: 20 pages to complete, make a mistake and rejected; start again at back of queue

  3. I’m wondering if people will get things moving themselves without waiting for the government to give the word. We have just had fish and chips from a nearby chippy that is doing a click and collect service. B&Q are gradually opening up their stores with various barriers and precautions in place. The local waste and recycling centre being closed is a nuisance and the sign on the gate says ‘closed until further notice’ so we will have to wait and see with that one.

    When it comes to science, there is much disagreement but the government only listen to one side of the discussion. Many of the lockdown rules make no sense anyway so obeying them isn’t going to help. These winter bugs seem to dissipate in the warmer weather as people start to spend more time outdoors. So let’s keep them inside their houses that should help.

    • B&Q are gradually opening up their stores with various barriers and precautions in place

      I’ve just watched a short video showing the queue at one B&Q – it went right round the carpark and out onto the pavement! Even with 2 m spacing there must have been at least 100 people…

    • One of the problems for the UK is that militant public sector unions, even when the activities have been outsourced, will demand zero risk. Waste recycling facilities should be reopened immediately but odds are they’ll be one Of the last facilities to reopen. The complete inadequacy of nearly all Public Sector bodies barring the armed forces has been utterly laid bare by the pandemic….

  4. Good piece – so many people are getting the rationale behind the lockdown completely wrong. And imagine the howling and screeching once it is relaxed and people continue to die of Covid.

  5. I hate that over-elaborate warbling. They think it conveys deep emotion. It doesn’t.
    What it does attempt to do is disguise the lack of a decent melody and the singer’s inadequacies.

    For the most part, pick an effing note and stick to it. Too much wandering up and down the scale just means that it loses the meaning it would have if used sparingly. It’s like having the volume at 10 all the way through with no dynamic range, and just as annoying.

  6. @LR

    100% agree with you. Also with Hammond. However, Economy should not have been shutdown, it was hysterical overreaction

    Many Pols and ‘Experts” saying “must wait for vaccine” – as with Common Cold & HIV that could be forever. Common Cold* kills too, talking of which Red Indians now blaming Trump for their high CV-19 deaths and “We want money”

    Our politicians are not leading and making life/death decisions, they’re hiding behind sofa in fear of negative coverage from BBC/C4 etc. Yet, they’re still getting the “not enough/too many” coverage.

    They need to man up, end lockdown and say we’re doing this “For the many, not the few” – how could Left object?

    ‘worth it if it saves just one life’ is perhaps the worst maxim in modern (esp EU) politics and bleeding-heart types

    It’s not, a life has a monetary value which includes emotion – it’s why many have their pets ‘put to sleep’

    Also, unless the ‘life saved’ becomes immortal, it’s death delayed as they will still die

    As I’ve said before, lockdown is wrong. We didn’t lockdown before MMR, Whooping cough, Chicken Pox vaccines developed. We haven’t lockdown despite high HIV and TB deaths

    Further, as has been discussed here non CV19 deaths up due to ‘Protect NHS, Stay at Home” propaganda: Media has finally noticed and now pumping out “Phone 999 immediately if heart attack, stroke, etc”

    * Ignore site’s reputation:

  7. Voluntary clapping for NHS now compulsory

    Online Mob ‘Names and Shames’ British Mother for Not Clapping for NHS

    BBC Silent -guess why
    Nightly Riots in Paris

    EU Kowtows to China, Revises Coronavirus Disinfo Report After CCP Pressure

  8. I saw this graph a week or so ago:
    It looks to me as if there is very little danger in stopping the lockdown for those under 50. we need to get the country back to work before the economy collapses, or to rebuild the economy if it’s already too late.

    Let the young people go back to work (somebody has to pay for my pension. ;-))

  9. The train stations are still open and running yet the “THINK ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY” and the “PEOPLE WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU AT YOUR DESTINATION” tannoy announcements are fucking hilarious. Two people on the Transpennine Express from Manchester to Leeds yesterday and the amount of rail staff, BTP and Transport Safety Officers (what?) was ridiculous…

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