That Will Be Forever, Then

Apparently two-thirds of Britons want the lock-down to continue.

Over two-thirds of Britons believe lockdown should stay in place until coronavirus is ‘fully contained’, according to a poll today – as ministers already appeared to be moving towards an ‘exit strategy’.

Which means that over two-thirds of Britons are morons. This virus is an RNA virus. Without the DNA element, there is no way of containing the mutation. By the time a vaccine for this variant – and as I understand it, there are at least three in the wild – is developed, it will have mutated. So it will always be a chase to catch up as it is with influenza. Meanwhile, the economy is being trashed. Those two thirds of Britons will be singing to a different tune when the CCJs start landing on doormats and the P45s are being handed out and the queue for jobs exceeds availability.

What really bothers me is the willingness of a supine population to not only acquiesce to the complete trashing of the economy and civil  liberties but to cry out for more. I’ve gone along with it because I have had no choice – my work has vanished, so where am I going to go, what am I going to do?

Beam me up, I’m done with this place.


  1. For many, the good weather has lent a holiday feel. As has not having to work for one’s income.
    That same two-thirds will look back on this time in a different light when the bill is due. I hope.

  2. Recent events have made me revise my opinions on libertarianism somewhat. I am still a libertarian myself but I have begun to realise that the vast majority of people don’t want freedom. Instead they want nanny state to tell them what to think and what to do for their entire lives. They seem to have no awareness that the people who are making their decisions for them are clueless idiots who have little interest in their welfare anyway.

    • Recent events have made me revise my opinions on libertarianism somewhat

      I can think of one well known character “enjoying” a rigid lock down in his retirement bolthole overseas, while carping about our own lax standards. The same one usually to be found complaining about government interference…

  3. Actually, thinking about it, a whole third don’t want the lockdown to continue, maybe that is encouraging.

  4. Two thirds of which Britains?
    Couldn’t see in the text any indication of the number of people actually consulted – but seem to recall a survey last week based its headlines on a survey of 2000 people which was claimed to represent the entire UK

    • I saw a ‘straw poll’ on Twitter (don’t think it was anything to do with the DM) and that was going the same way, it was about 60:40 in favour of continuing lockdown.

      I was flabbergasted!

  5. Report yesterday radio 2 news. 2m Australians have downloaded an app giving the location of all detected as infected. It will alert you if you have been in Close Personal Contact with an infected for 15 minutes. So is less than Close Personal Contact for less than 15 minutes not a problem Down Under ?

    • Close contact, if short, is not thought to a problem, no. I believe the UK government’s advisors told them that, weeks ago. The belief is you have to be close, and for a prolonged period, to catch it. Basically, someone has to sneeze or cough it right at you. Studies in other countries concluded approx 80% of transmission was inter-family.

      The same UK government advisory board said ‘no evidence presented … that suggested coronavirus posed a major threat through outdoor transmissions’.

      (This is from Prof Dingwall, on the Respiratory Virus Threats committee)

  6. It seems to me these people will believe pretty much anything the MSM spews out at them. Look at their horror stories of people ‘risking lives’ by going to get a take-away or whatever.

    These are the same people conned into campaigning against plastic bags and drinking straws. Now they are chucking away plastic gloves and empty sanitiser bottles every five minutes.

    • It’s really depressed me to discover how stupid


      many people are. I knew some people where a bit clueless but it’s turned out far worse than I ever imagined. No commonsense, no application of even a smidgeon of thought to anything. Just total belief in any codswallop the MSM gives them. What the hell has happened to this country?

      How do these people achieve anything worthwhile at work? Or in their lives? They must need exact, full instructions, and the slightest hitch will require escalation to higher authority, because thinking for themselves appears out of the question.

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