A List of Fuckwits

The signatories to this pile of excrescence. As Timmy notes, the Spudmeister is there, so that tells us that it’s shite. And, yes, I know I’m sailing close to the poison well fallacy, but sometimes, it isn’t a fallacy and this is one such.

As is usual, we have the extreme leftist twisting of language. When they mean democratise, they mean it in the same sense that the PRNK is democratic. That is, it is the inverse of what is being said.

These people have no concept of reality. So you spend time, effort, money and your own labour building a viable business. You get to employ people. In this brave new world, all that investment is now at the mercy of the workforce who do not have the same level of investment and might actually vote to damage it because they don’t know what is best for the business.

The whole pile of student union style drivel is a communist manifesto. Devoid of any concept of the real world it treats the concept of property rights with contempt. Hence I treat them and their letter with similar contempt.


  1. Same threadbare and failed ideas camouflaged by the use of bullshit language. Without property rights you have nothing. Why bother being productive if you don’t get to keep the fruits of your Labour? Why bother being productive if you can be unproductive and just be handed the fruits of other people’s labour?

    • All mere details. Clearly you don’t understand the world of Business management the way that the enlightened student academics do.

  2. The Guardian. Even if I had a Thesaurus to hand there wouldn’t be enough words to describe how contemptuos I am of that rag…

  3. Never heard of any of them, probably because I gave up on that comic aged 14 & 3/4 in favour of the then reliable Daily Telegraph.

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