No, You Don’t.

I believe in freedom of speech but

“I think it’s about time Twitter took action and removed her from their platform, just as Facebook have done with Britain First.

“Freedom of speech is something I believe in. Freedom of hate speech isn’t, I’m sure many people feel the same way.”

No, you don’t believe in freedom of speech, you believe in approved speech, which is something entirely different. It singles you out as an enemy of liberty. You are a nasty totalitarian.

Nothing Katie Hopkins may have said is as vile as the author of this petition and the poisonous creatures who signed it.

I suggest that she moves to Gab.

The far-right racist has gained a large amount of backlash and hate over the years for the messages she sends out on the social media platform.

If the halfwit who wrote this bullshit actually believes that Katie Hopkins is far right, then they occupy a position somewhere to the left of Joe Stalin and Pol Pot. Hopkins likes to stir the pot and be controversial, but she is not by any stretch of the imagination far right.

Most recently she caused a stir by mocking the Black Lives Matter protests.

On Wednesday Hopkins tweeted:  “Today is #whiteoutwednesday. I will shortly be posting a picture of my arse. Thank you.”

I am clearly a very bad person because that made me snigger.


  1. But she is not by any stretch of the imagination far right

    Hardly any of those accused of being “Far Right” actually are.

    • It’s very convenient for the Parliamentary Conservative party to have a pejorative label to hang on anyone to the right of themselves – and they do.

    • Being reported on Radio 2 this Saturday morning not as ‘far-right’ just ‘incendiary Tweets criticising BLM’, twice in 45 seconds.

  2. I call these people ‘Free speech butters’. I believe in free speech but… means that you don’t believe in free speech. When it comes to so called hate speech, how full of hatred are the utterances of BLM, Antifa and the woke gang? Is there anyone, apart from one black career criminal, who hasn’t been a target of their venomous loathing?

  3. Look, it is simple. Anything that they disapprove of must be bad and therefore is Right Wing (because Right Wing = BAD!, right?).

    So if Joe Stalin says something that they disagree with, then it is automatically Right Wing.

    Looked at like that, then anything and everything can be defined as Right Wing and all right thinking people can condemn it.

  4. I briefly met Katie a couple of years ago but did not realise she was a Celeb until later coming across her on YouTube.

    Well known Trump hating far-right bigot Sam Harris has looked into the Pandemic of Racist Murders by US cops and has disgracefully concluded in his Racist way.
    10million Police/mop encounters p.a. results in 1,000 Slayings of the Innocents Every Year People.
    So your chances of being killed by cop (should you encounter them at all) is 1/10,000. Which is obviously bigoted hate speech.
    Further, while Black men are 13-18% more likely to receive rough ( but non lethal) treatment from Racist cops, white men are 25% more likely to be killed by them.
    Obviously this flies in the face of the BLM experience so Protest Sam the Racist Far Rightwing Facist Bigot!!!! @ youtube
    ‘waking up with Sam Harris’
    Posted 6 days ago.
    If you can stand 2 hours of his opinionated white bullsh!t his Hatefull distortions of our reality start 1h10m.

  5. I’ve closed my twitter account. I stopped reading it a while ago as it was just making me angry, but I used to enjoy Katie’s baiting, as did (presumably) about a million others. I believe she’s still on Instagram, and you can find her more reasoned and lengthy articles elsewhere as well, if you look.
    (I checked out Gab but it’s not for me – there are some decidedly weird people on there. Maybe she could try the Russian VK?)

    • True, but they apply the 1st amendment, which is what a utility is supposed to do. Another option is Telegram.

  6. According to Katie (interview Sky Australia) her particular offence was to reply to a threat of sexual assault with “you had better be hung like a baboon”.
    No doubt the twisted minds@twatter interpreted this as a racist reference to Blacks/monkeys when, as Katie points out, it is a quote from Blackadder.
    As with that Osanaya person earlier on Longrider, the racism is in their head not Katie’s.

  7. I laughed too. I like her stuff. She is indeed a shit stirrer but hey, if it annoys the hell out of the woke leftards, then fine by me. She’s moved to Parler which says has freedom of speech on the site. Most of the time her stuff is just a challenge in perspective.

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