Why I will Never Support BLM

Black Lives Matter is at heart a racist organisation – even if (and I’m being generous here) the original aim was to highlight an injustice.

It is also a far left Marxist front. Its own objectives tell us this. Read this bollocks and see what I mean.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

Yes, they want to perpetuate the very causes of the problems that black people now face – young men growing up without a father figure to keep them on the straight and narrow. Well done.

They also want to end capitalism and patriarchy – the usual dog whistles of the far left. Their UK arm is upfront about it on their GoFundMe page.

We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world. We build deep relationships across the diaspora and strategise to challenge the rise of the authoritarian right-wing across the world, from Brazil to Britain.

So the usual student union politics, then – as well as boilerplate far leftist word salad. The lack of self-awareness is staggering. After all, they want to replace “right wing authoritarianism” with their own brand of intolerance and authoritarianism. Anyone who dares to stand up to them is hounded into submission by the mob. They are utterly intolerant of any view that contradicts their own and they use the power of the tech giants to silence voices they don’t like and use shaming to cow people into compliance. I wonder how many of those footballers who knelt the other day did so because they knew damned well they would be ostracised if they didn’t? I cannot believe that all of them thought that it was a good idea, but faced with a choice between conscience and career, they chose career.

Now, I am no lover of the UK police in its current guise. I am frequently critical of them for having abandoned the Peelian principles in favour of politics, front line policing in favour of Twattercrime and going after soft targets as they arrest “far right” protesters while standing by and allowing a far left mob to engage unhindered in vandalism. But, that does not mean that I want to do away with the principle, I want to see a return to proper policing by consent as it is supposed to be.

Not BLM, though:

Developing and delivering training, police monitoring and strategies for the abolition of police.

Right. That will work out well. Complete anarchy and not in the good way, either. We will see a return to the rule of the warlord and robber baron. I would like to think that these people are too stupid to see it, but I suspect, like all wannabe revolutionaries, they assume that they will be the ones wielding the guns.

Anyway, some of us have been pointing this out for a while. Now, like the Seventh Cavalry in a western film, the Daily Mail rides in with the story.

On the group’s GoFundMe page, a statement outlining the Black Lives Matter UK policy agenda was uploaded a few days ago. It explains that the organisation intends to be ‘guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world’.

Which is highly contentious. For while few would disagree that ‘white supremacy’, such as it exists in Britain, is a bad thing, the idea that ‘capitalism’ is intrinsically racist is a minority view.

Well, duh! But, I suppose, it is nice to finally see one example of the media catching on. This organisation is vile. It is peddling a redecorated version of Marxism – you know the ideology founded by an anti-Semite racist (not to mention sponging layabout) that is responsible for at least 100 million deaths. But that’s okay and Marx’s statue is not lined up to fall, because 100 million deaths is a small price to pay for the good of the end goal.

BLM is an evil movement. It is merely the latest face of a satanic cult that has lurked in various guises for a couple of centuries. And the DM finally noticed. Slow hand clap time, I think.


  1. 100% correct! I feel sick to the stomach watching these sports people kneeling down before the false narrative they’ve been fed. And you’re absolutely right saying that any of them that didn’t comply would be hounded out. The police officers that have done this have absolutely no excuse for doing so, unless they want to be thrown out on their ears by the mob they are genuflecting to. Dominic Raab was correct in what he said, although I suspect he was “got at” and forced to back pedal later.

    • Would be nice to know if the Chief Constable of Herts Police, who encouraged her Officers to take the knee, now knows that BLMs aims include her own abolition.

  2. I like to think of the story of the hare and the tortoise re written so that, rather than losing due to his excessive complacency, the hare wins by a mile. The tortoise keeps demanding a rematch and time after time he gets hammered. Capitalism is the hare and socialism is the tortoise, capitalism beats socialism every single time. Capitalism is the only solution to poverty that has ever worked. Yet the Marxists want their tortoise to be given one more try.

    • Yet the Marxists want their tortoise to be given one more try.

      Sure, but every iteration they say “Last time wasn’t REAL communism”.

      Lord Varys was right, some people would let their country burn if they could become king of the ashes.

  3. “It is also a far left Marxist front. Its own objectives tell us this. Read this bollocks and see what I mean.”

    It is also an organisation born out of the Black Panther movement and funded by Soros, as is Antifa.

    Go back to the website in your link LR, and hit the Donate button. You will be redirected to a site called ACTBLUE.com. This site is very busy shoveling money into Joe Biden’s campaign. Here are the figures:


    BLM and Antifa are useful idiots for a higher order. They are terrorist organisations.

    • Well Creepy Uncle Joe Biden isn’t going to be elected based upon his effusive wit, memory and ability to hold an audience spellbound is he? Bribery, corruption and voter fraud will have to do and that takes money.

  4. I agree with BLMUK, our prisons are ‘overcrowded, inhumane and unsafe’, that’s just as a visitor! Solution, of course, is to build more.

    Curious that the top Worst Rated comments on the Mail link all deny that the stated aims of BLMUK are as claimed in the article ( one blames Dominic Cummings lol) only to be referred to their own websites by respondents.

    Meanwhile, usual tactic this, BLM go on the defensive by playing the victim. Local Live headline
    “BLM ORGANISERS RECIEVE ABUSE AND DEATH THREATS” ‘Mia and Sam have endured a wave of abusive messages, some of which threatened their safety, one said “you’re quite pretty for a black girl, why don’t you use your looks rather than your voice”
    Mia said ‘so even though this is a good movement it has put my safety in danger’.

    You can guess the Police response.

  5. The current situation in CHAZ is a pretty good illustration of what BLM’s aims would leave us with. Anarchy, rapidly descending into tyranny and murder.

    No thanks.

    • I think the name is CHOP now, just to hint at those inside what they will get if they disagree with any part of the agenda. Its like the French revolution played out in miniature.

  6. Remember Marxist Eric Hobsbawn’s unhesitatingly definite ‘Yes’ to Michael Ignatieff’s question around whether 15-20 million dead would have been worth a functioning Communist system? That’s the kind of mentality we’re dealing with here. To Hell with the unbelievable body count, think of the equality!

    I just listened to Victor Davis Hanson’s appearance on Uncommon Knowledge taking about WW2. He finishes the interview with some very moving recollections from his own family history of sacrifice that conflict, and asks if a 19 year old lad blown to crap over the Pacific in the tail end of a B17 could come back and see his inheritors, would he think his death had been worthwhile? It’s hard to think of any scale on which he and they could both be even visible.

    • I tend to refer to Hobsbawm’s comments as an example of the pure evil of this ideology. The cold acceptance of millions of deaths in the service of their cause. I hope that evil bastard is currently roasting on a slow spit for eternity.

    • Victor Davis Hanson polymath genius, I have loads of his stuff on file and go to it when I want to listen to something interesting and sane. In that interview he gives an excellent argument justifying the use of the A bomb to end WW2.

      • Used to be Banned – Same here. When things seem too much, I go to the likes of VDH and Tom Sowell in order to hear sane discussion and thoughtful analysis. They always renew my hope and spirits.

  7. Slow thinking but at least the DM cottoned on. The Woke MSM such as the BBC and Grauniad of course love BLM. Personally I think they are the spawn of Satan. But I suppose I am a bit of a contrarian.

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