1. Oh well, I guess everyone will just skip the lecturing videos – or maybe the film is locked until you’ve passed a test that proves you’ve watched them lol.

    • What’s the betting, eh? A bit like those annoying anti-piracy things on DVDs. Fortunately, they seemed to have died a death now.

      • One advantage of ripping DVD is you can bypass all the compulsory adverts.
        Also, the only CDs I used to routinely copy were those infected by anti-copy protection (Sony were the worst). They wouldn’t play on my HiFi unless ripped and de-crapped.
        Sort of technical version of Striessland effect.

        May need to resurrect if new DVD start showing mandatory ‘context’ lectures with FF disabled.

  2. One of the benefits of VHS, you can buzz forward the piracy/BBFC crap.
    Guardian seems to have put itself behind a ‘register for free’ wall, no doubt to send endless begging messages.

    Had a laugh yesterday morning, Radio 4 have a rather good half hour programme More or Less that looks at statistics so obviously lots about Covid recently.
    They were talking about the non-appearance of the Second Wave “despite the BLM crowded protests? ” said in precisely the same tone of pained surprise they used to use for “despite Brexit!?”.
    We were then told that ” photographs can deceive since they can make people look more crowded than they really were”.
    That’s not what said about crowded beaches and parks.

  3. As we have seen from supporters of the BLM madness, ignorance of history is endemic. I particularly liked the woman who said of Churchill,
    “some say he’s a hero, some say he’s a racist, I personally haven’t met him…”
    Yes Churchill made sometimes disparaging remarks about foreigners, usually there was a certain amount of truth in what he was saying. He also had a hugely significant role in the defeat of Hitler. Some say that Hitler was a racist too, I don’t know as I haven’t met him.

      • Oh, well, that’s all okay then…

        Funny, isn’t it, but scratch an anti-racist and you often find an anti-Semite. Just an observation, mind.

        • That is debatable, there were very few blacks in Germany at the time. That Jesse Owens won athletic gold at the 1936 Olympics ‘despite the odious racism of the nazis’ was a myth later propagated by the Amricans who didn’t even invite him to the White House party

  4. This is one of the two main reasons that I’ve always been very wary of streaming services from the get-go. (A) You pay money to another party, and at the end of it you don’t own anything (like paying rent, when all’s said and done it’s adios to your money) and (B) Because you don’t actually own anything, its availability to you is entirely dependent on the whims of said third party, over which you have precisely no control.

    I’ll take a DVD player over Netflix every time. Own it or let someone else decide for you I say.

    • That’s what I do. I wanted to watch Westworld, so waited for the DVD. Mrs L wanted to watch the Terry Pratchett films when they came out. Instead of subscribing to Sky, we bade our time and got the DVDs.

    • This I was told by a music industry lawyer.
      When you buy a record, cassette, CD, digital recording whatever, you are buying the right to listen to the song on that medium, not the song itself and, in theory, that right is not yours to pass on in your will. Dunno if that applies to movies.

      • Was a story some years ago re:, I think, Bruce Willis’ iTunes music collection. He wanted to leave it to his kids but Apple basically said, ‘no, it are belong to us’.

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