There’s Only One Response

Upon being on the receiving end of “encouragement” such as this…

Emails seen by the Telegraph show that a ‘policy-guiding staff group’ has said that colour-blindness and the belief in ‘one human family’ are examples of ‘covert white supremacy’.

I suppose that we should expect this. But there’s more.

Resources in the library encourage donations for Black Lives Matter and support for the Labour MP Diane Abbott. White staff have also been asked to educate themselves about their apparent privilege, and have been given a reading list to that end.

Ah, yes, the old “educate yourself” as in the way the Soviets would educate people guilty of wrongthink. The encouragement – and I’m being generous in assuming that it is only encouragement to donate to a blatantly racist Marxist organisation is at best effrontery.

An institution which receives in excess of £90million in government funding should be balanced and unbiased. What’s more, the library is supposed to be an educational establishment, encouraging critical thinking and open-mindedness. The fact that it is pushing a partisan political agenda is deeply troubling.

Well, quite. One could ask the people responsible to educate themselves on the Barbary slave trade whereby racist Africans stole white Christian Europeans for their slave markets. But I guess that would require an open mind and critical thinking skills beyond the kind of people who siphon off our money and use it to peddle their vile political agenda.

So, the only response that is required is that offered in Arkell v Pressdram.



  1. So, not being remotely racist and the belief that we are all just human makes me a white supremacist, got it. It’s a bit like saying that being a virgin makes you a rapist. It doesn’t really matter how innocent you are these idiots will declare you guilty as charged. So yes, they can just fuq off.

  2. Dear Mr Longrider

    But not a contemptuous nor libellous one, apparently:

    Chief Librarian Liz Jolly said to staff: “The murder of George Floyd has shown that we’re good at saying that we don’t believe in racism, but I have to say as Chief Librarian that we haven’t done enough to ensure that this organisation is anti-racist, and I apologise for that. In convening the Anti-Racism Working Group this is our chance to get it right. The group will make recommendations both in terms of immediate actions and longer term proposals that we will integrate into our strategy and our culture, to make us a truly anti-racist organisation, in a wide-ranging and sustainable way.”

    Seemingly happy to prejudge a trial in a foreign land – contempt of court? And declaring those charged with Floyd’s death as murderers before conviction surely amounts to libel.
    Perhaps Ms Jolly should read some of the law books in her library.

    Nice display of anti-racism, equality and diversity at the top of their home page:

    In next week’s news, the British Library starts burning books.


  3. As the late Willlie Rushton (PBUH) wrote “”Their comes a time in the affairs of man when no account of cursing will suffice. Let us remain dumb, like a deaf mute who has a struck is thumb with a hammer.”

  4. The whole passage quoted by DP. is nauseating but the end part, against strong competition, wins a special vacuous language of the year prize. I know Ms Jolly will never enlighten us as to how an organisation can be truly anti-racist in a narrow ranging or unsustainable way but good grief! Presumably she has a buzzword generator where her brain should be.

  5. It is interesting that that stupid woman Liz Jolly refers to the ‘murder’ of George Floyd. Did I miss the trial? If so, was the verdict as she has stated? To be in her position, I must assume that our Liz is educated. However, her comments show that there is often a great chasm between education and intelligence.

    • She has decreed it, so it must be so. No trial necessary.

      On that subject, there is more information coming about from the body cams that suggest that Pcar of this parish was right in his initial analysis. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cops in this case get acquitted of murder. The evidence doesn’t stack up.

      • It really doesn’t matter if these cops are acquitted or are hung, drawn and quartered. Riots will follow as surely night follows day.

  6. Further proof, as if needed, the Frankfurt School strategy of taking over from the inside cultural, educational and religious elements of the State has succeeded despite losing the political argument again and again.

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