Here We Go…

They really are wetting themselves over the power they’ve given themselves. There’s nothing they want more than to lock us all down again.

The UK faces going back into “hard lockdown” if people do not follow the tighter restrictions coming into force from Monday, a government adviser has warned.

Peter Openshaw, a professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College London, said quick action was needed because a “trickle” of cases can quickly turn into a “cascade”.

The word “cases” is doing some heavy lifting here. A few months ago, it was deaths. Now that has passed, we are down to positive tests being branded as cases. The more tests you do, the more positives you will find – including false ones.

But these bastards won’t be satisfied until the western world is a pile of smoking ashes. We survived Spanish flu and it is still with us, we survived Hong Kong flu and the young people of the day went to Woodstock. Since then, we have weathered SARS, MERS, swine flu and bird flu. All of which can do the same damage as this one and all of which are still with us.

Living involves risk. These cretins seem not to understand that basic concept.


  1. Having converted lockdown from Rules to Legislation my attitude toward it has gone from benign disdain to outright hostility.
    By choice my social circle is unlikely to amount to 6 or more but, given the opportunity, I will happily tag along with any group that is. I’ll be damned if johnson is going to deny my liberty of Free Assembly.

    I think I know what their game is now. Having got us (meaning the sheeple) used to Compliance in things that are not particularly onerous they will slowly ramp it up until we accept a curfew “because the Covid” and the only way to end that will be to individually accept their poxy vaccine and, even worse, traffic light Health Passport app.

    Longrider, I am sure that it was here that I posted a lighthearted comment in May or June to the effect
    “They want us to wear masks during the upcoming warm summer so that we will willing accept their vaccine if that means we can lose the masks except that the NHS is skint so £99.00 each please.”

    Not so lighthearted after all.

  2. What is the point of further lockdown? The increase in cases is a statistical illusion caused by shoddy testing practices. The PBR test regimen as used is probably picking up all dead coronavirus (Cold and common influenza) fragments, not just live SARS/COV-2.

    The pandemic was over in May 2020.

  3. Daily deaths are now down to single figures, out of a population of over sixty million. The government is both incompetent and malevolent. Faking statistics to justify oppressive policies is nothing new of course, remember the bullshit that was used to demonise diesel cars a few years back.

  4. It’s funny. I was in hospital for an endoscopy this morning. While I was waiting (over 90 minutes) for my procedure, I overheard two nurses and a doctor discussing the current “crisis”. The doctor clearly said the more people had died from Flu than the Flu Manchu. I don’t know how true that is, but I can well believe it.

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