The New World

Trump is an idiot. Well, that’s the perceived wisdom apparently. I hear it repeatedly. I see it on social media. So it must be true, right? And there are nasty so-called liberal types all so willing to virtue signal their humanity that they wish death on the man because he has tested positive for covid 19.

Dominic West has been heavily criticised for explaining how he ‘jumped for joy’ upon learning President Trump has coronavirus.

The Wire actor, 50, didn’t hold back when asked for his views on Trump’s positive result after the President, 74, had minimised the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic for months.

Appearing on video link from his Wiltshire home, Dominic was branded ‘evil’ and ‘disgusting’ after saying: ‘Well I did slightly leap in the air with joy.

‘I think the phrase is “what goes around comes around”. I just hope it doesn’t interfere with him being elected out of office that’s all.’

He was far from the only left-wing social media user to take delight in the President’s diagnosis with many advancing theories that his illness would harm his chances in the presidential election on November 3.

On the subject of the November election, I suspect that what we saw here will repeat itself over there. Politics has become so poisonous that the quiet majority, the socially conservative and even the classical liberals keep their heads down and say nothing preferring to use the ballot box, whereupon the far left activists get a nasty shock and don’t understand what happened. That is why polls have become so unreliable.

But let’s get back to the opprobrium heaped upon Trump. Apparently the saying goes that he has handled covid badly and is responsible for the deaths that occurred ergo, he is an idiot.

There are a couple of things here. Firstly, if he is an idiot, how come he has managed to run successful businesses for so long?

Secondly, these people demonstrate that they do not understand how the USA works. It is a federal republic. The management of covid 19 is a state issue, not a federal one. So it has been handed differently in different states with variable outcomes.

Thirdly, a virus really doesn’t give a flying hoot about your politics. It will do what it will do. Lock-downs, masks, social distancing, hand sanitisers, whatever. It laughs in the face of such things and spreads as it will spread. Covid 19 doesn’t care if it is a republic, a democracy or a communist hell hole. Those who are vulnerable will succumb.

None of this is Trump’s fault. And, finally, that he and his wife have tested positive means nothing very much. Were they showing signs of illness? Apparently mild symptoms, it seems, which is what the vast majority who have contracted this illness have experienced.

But, never mind, there are already demands for an alternative Republican candidate. These people will stop at nothing to get their own way.

The Trump is an idiot because he didn’t manage covid types merely display their own idiocy, I’m afraid. Also, unfortunately, this includes an awful lot of folk I know and once respected.

Just because someone has a different political opinion it doesn’t follow that they are an idiot. In the same way, Boris Johnson’s rampant incompetence in the face of the current situation is not a sign of idiocy, for he is very much not an idiot. He is in the wrong job and doesn’t know how to do it. He is incompetent, having been promoted beyond his level of competence. It’s a common problem.


  1. Well – DJT is a nasty, spiteful,vicious little shit … who has now fallen over his own feet & GOT C-19.
    Serve him right
    [ The fact that he refuses to condemn openly racist fascist thugs is also a give-away. ]

      • No, it’s true.
        He has refused to condemn the “Proud Boys” & told them to ( I think this is the correct quote )
        “Stand down & stand by”
        QUOTE – from Anne Apllebaum in “The Atlantic”
        We don’t know yet whether President Donald Trump was a super-spreader of the coronavirus or the victim of one, perhaps at the Rose Garden event for the Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, where few wore masks and many shook hands; perhaps while he was preparing to debate. But Trump has been a super-spreader in a different sense for many, many years—a super-spreader of disinformation. As a businessman, he was a congenital liar who phoned in fake stories about himself to New York tabloids, who lied about his net worth, who exaggerated the height of Trump Tower. As a candidate, he lied about Barack Obama’s birth certificate; he declared falsely that Ted Cruz’s father had helped assassinate John F. Kennedy; he invented a story about “thousands” of New Jersey Muslims celebrating on 9/11. As president, he has lied about so many things that even the nation’s most assiduous fact-checkers have had trouble keeping up.


        • The Proud Boys are not a white supremacist group and you are playing semantics here. How many times does he have to say that he disavows white supremacists? There are repeated clips. You are denying reality here.

    • Strange White Suprematist group when leader is Hispanic
      – “Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio is serving as the Florida state director of the political support group Latinos for Trump”
      Ah, got it, if you’re not for Biden you’re not black

      Yet Biden saying “Antifa don’t exist” which he did and is a lie is OK by you and MSM

      Biden now being sued:

        • You don’t seriously believe that nonsense do you? Again, there are plenty of examples that clearly show Antifa as an organisation. They operate in much the same way as other terror organisations – individual unconnected cells. Terrorist organisations do this for a good reason, one cell being broken does not compromise the others and if you listed to the full quote it infers that it is a movement, so yes, it is a terrorist movement. They do organise, they do have a brand and they are a violent threat. The only difference is the lack of hierarchical structure.

          Again, listen to the full quote and take in the subtleties before shooting from the hip.

    • He is so nasty and spiteful that he decided to become President of the USA and then improve black employment to the highest level ever seen – beating St Obama’s contribution to black society hands down. That truly is nasty, spiteful and vicious, making black people work and contribute to society is so hurtful. I’m sure he has condemned the openly racist thugs of Antifa and BLM, adherents of critical race theory, Al Sharpton, etc etc so does that count? No? Oh of course, “if you’re black you can’t be racist”

  2. Not sure I agree that he is a successful businessman, competent is probably nearer the truth I think. Seem to recall he failed with a casino, though my memory could be wrong.

    In any event, as you’ve already pointed out, government in the US is pretty much devolved in its entirety. He really doesn’t have much purpose as is we it other than to annoy the likes of Ilhan Omar and Cortez, which seems a good thing to me.

  3. The simple fact that overall unemployment in the US has fallen, together with the highest employment figures for both the Black and Hispanic sectors of the population as just one result of DJT’s policies would seem to indicate that as the POTUS he is having a beneficial effect upon the Republic.

  4. It was same when Boris caught it: “tolerant, kind” Left sending death wishes. Remember when Magaret Thatcher died? BBC, C4 etc celebrated

    Left are evil

    the quiet majority, the socially conservative and even the classical liberals keep their heads down and say nothing preferring to virtue signal by lying to polls

    Then vote with their feet/wallets by going out and spending, eating drinking – 11% obeying quarantine law

    Johnson incompetent, and Hancock. But both too weak to admit or even resign for health/family reasons

    Estelle Morris was strong: when Blair made her Education Secretary she tried, then resigned and admitted couldn’t cope

  5. This side of the pond people are ambivalent about Trump. He’s done some good and some bad.

    Most normal Americans want to get on with their lives.

    As for his business record, that’s public knowledge as are his tax affairs.

      • That “appears” is doing the same heavy lifting as your “presumably” earlier on. I am not interested in innuendo. If you have facts, by all means present them. What you have presented is little more than hysterical nonsense peddled by the media with no evidence to support it. I would also point out that what you have stated, unless supported by evidence is libellous.

  6. INcluding in every “chancellry” in Europe
    (libellous comments removed)

  7. Trump isn’t perfect but he is the best on offer over there out of the whole bunch.

    We could do with a Trump over here.

    • No, not really. You need to learn the difference between opinion and fact. I referred you to source evidence that clearly demonstrated that your claim was false.

      • Sorry, mate but they are a erm “pink” supremacist group as well as moronic thugs, but that’s another story.

        Oh yes, Il Trumpolini claimed – on Twatter, so it’s in writing, that Biden wanted to close all the churches.
        Unfortunately, that was a deliberate lie …..
        And plenty more where that came from, too ….

        • Is this some bizarre attempt to get the last word in?

          It turns out not everybody believes the Proud Boys are white supremacists, including a prominent Black professor at a historically Black university.

          Wilfred Reilly, associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University, said Wednesday that “the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists,” describing the right-wing group’s beliefs as “Western chauvinist” and noting that their international chairman, Enrique Tarrio, is Black.

          “Gotta say: the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists,” tweeted Mr. Reilly, author of “Hate Crime Hoax.”

          Mr. Reilly said that about 10% to 20% of Proud Boys activists are people of color, a diverse racial composition that is “extremely well-known in law enforcement,” based on his research.

          He is correct.

          As for what Trump may or may not have said, he mercilessly trolls the media and his opposition using Twatter. None of it should be taken seriously. None of which remotely addresses the point I was making above the line. Do yourself a favour and let it drop.

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