Fact Checking the Fact Checkers

Fact checking has become a thing these days. Given the disingenuous nature of the mainstream press, it’s essential. However, the mainstream has got in on the act and this example is pretty much what we can expect.

In the clip, Dr Fauci says “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”

According to the fact checkers, this is now out of date.

This is lying by omission. Sure, Fauci now peddles the face nappy mantra along with the WHO and the political establishment and their so-called experts. However, what has not changed is the evidence – or the lack thereof. There is still no evidence to suggest that face nappies are effective. If they were, the evidence would be fairly straightforward to find and demonstrate using randomised trials, yet those very randomised trials have turned up nothing. Indeed, they say pretty much what Fauci was saying in March. Nothing here has changed.

So, the evidence is not out of date, merely Fauci’s position. What he said in March remains true. What he is saying now is designed to reassure the credulous and gullible that it is okay to go outside. Nothing more. The evidence hasn’t changed, nor is it out of date. Reuters are being disingenuous here.

So, yet again, we see that the fact checkers are unreliable. You really need to go to the source material and find out for yourself and the source material is still the same as it was in March – there is no case for the use of face nappies.


  1. A couple of years ago the Sun did a piece claiming that we all needed their quality journalism to avoid us getting suckered by fake news. The Sun also ran a story about a toddler being thrown out of a vegan birthday party for wearing a cow onesy. The story in question was from a spoof news site and contained several joke names.

    • That’s really funny, you can tell from a mile away that it came either from the Daily Mash (most likely from the style) or Babylon Bee. The kid’s name is a pearler – Tanya Hyde lol.. am nicking that one!

  2. There is a new study – it’s called ‘DANMASK’, and is the world’s only randomised controlled trial specifically testing whether masks protect from covid.

    Not one journal will publish the results. I can’t imagine why….

  3. That’s brilliant. Would it be really hilarious if the government had to do a complete U turn and the police had to go around shopping centres demanding that anyone wearing a mask takes it off? Not going to happen I know but still an amusing thought.

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