
The peasants are revolting.

Dramatic evidence of a growing revolt against the coronavirus lockdowns emerged last night.

The public think the rules won’t work, they will break the law if necessary to see their loved ones and believe it is time to ‘get Britain back to normal’.

If this is true, then there is some light at last. I’ve been ignoring the rules pretty much throughout. But if the majority are starting to realise that you cannot stop a virus and that the attempts to do so are mere hubris on the part of the government and SAGE, then this is a good thing. They cannot enforce rules if everyone disobeys them. They can’t arrest and fine all of us.

And, yes, we do need to get back to normal. This virus is here to stay, just like all the other viruses we live with. And, yes, thousands die each winter from flu and its variants. This is nature. This is what happens. We live, we grow old and we die. Something has to finish us off and for many, it is respiratory failure through influenza, pneumonia or some related illness. Only someone with delusions of grandeur will think that they can stop it.

One day, we will look back at this and recognise the damage caused by that hubris. I would like to think that those responsible will pay a high price for their arrogance. But I’m not hopeful.


  1. Hadn’t you heard LR, regular flu has been cured. Not a single person anywhere in the world has had flu since March, deaths from flu are now down to zero.

  2. What else do you think the result will be, when local councils have £millions thrown at them for lockdowns. Within a couple of weeks, every county in England will be in tier 3. And I suspect, not that much of that money will be reaching all of those small businesses that are going down like flies, or people losing their job.

  3. Somehow whenever I see the word SAGE a right royal stuffing comes to mind, with added pineapples.

  4. There are simply not enough people standing up to this. I only ever see one or two other people not wearing masks and the comments under the coronavirus stories in our local rag are almost all from people who think not enough is being done and those who ignore the rules are selfish idiots.
    They can’t fine and imprison everyone, but they could fine and imprison the small minority of people who are standing up to this nonsense, if they chose to

  5. Dear Mr Longrider

    ARP Warden Hodges springs to mind:

    Not afraid if the maskless have a lanyard showing they are exempt, but maskless and lanyardless and he and his colleagues are overcome with fear.

    “”I’d love to be able to tell them to wear a mask or even refuse them entry to the store,” he says.”

    Yep. ARP Warden Hodges. I think the government is creating a new industry just for him and his ilk.

    Strangely, he looks to be in the demographic at practically zero risk.


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