Someone Paid for This?

Well, duh!

Face shields offer no protection against coronavirus if an infected person nearby sneezes without a mask on, a study shows.

Researchers used computer models to visualise the spread of droplets around a face shield ejected by a human sneeze from 3ft (1m) away.

It reveals ‘vortex rings’ produced by the sneeze carry infectious particles to the face shield in less than a second and stick to the edges of the plastic.

Researchers say if the timing of this wave of coronavirus particles coincides with the face shield wearer breathing in, the person can become infected.

Going by the amount of people wearing these stupid things, I suppose that some do, indeed, believe that they provide some protection. A slight pause of a second or so to think about it would have come to the same conclusion as this ridiculous study.

Yet, once again, we have people conducting a study of the blindingly obvious and coming to the “shocking” conclusion that anyone with a grain of intelligence would have concluded long before they started.

So, once more we have evidence of the stupidity inherent in mankind. My general sense of misanthropy is deepening.

As for the dimwits who paid for it – well, that’s you and I.


  1. anyone with a grain of intelligence would have concluded long before they started

    Yep. People/cops can breathe when wearing a visored helmet, ergo they do not protect from air-borne particles (eg pollen, smoke)

    However, Visors make sense in the age of ‘Be Seen To Be Doing Something’ and ‘Virtue Signalling’

    PS Yippee, finally got my mother (80) to stop masking on Sunday – she asked for ‘Sunflower Lanyard’ in supermarket

    OT Some Levity
    The Ulster Fry has done a brilliant mock Christmas album ad. Not to be missed.
    NOW That’s What I Call A Corona Christmas

  2. Sometimes the “blindingly obvious” blinds us to the truth. For many years the existence of phlogiston was blindingly obvious. How much did that set back the progress of science?

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