Will the Insanity Never End?

More hysteria and threats of lock-downs.

Data used to justify putting 38million people into Tier 3 were published today amid fears of a New Year shutdown as the UK’s R number rose above one again and Boris Johnson warned the country has to recognise the ‘reality’ of the coronavirus threat.

None of this works. None of it has ever worked. As Peter Hitchens pointed out during his interviews on Talk Radio, there is no evidence that any of the measures the government has taken have worked. The WHO has stated that lock-downs don’t work. Well, of course not. As soon as you relax the restrictions it’s business as usual for an airborne pathogen, so the best you can hope to achieve is to buy some time.

Now, back in March, a brief lock-down to give time to prepare had some modicum of logic to it. Well, it would have done if we hadn’t already passed the peak by then and if the government had paid heed to the emerging evidence and made preparations in January and February.

So we started with incompetence and went downhill from then on.

While I am perhaps something of a news geek and am paying attention to what is being said and done, many people really don’t, so have missed the change in rhetoric. In March we needed a three week lock-down to “flatten the curve.” When that ended after three months, it was all about “controlling the virus.” I’m not sure whether that was driven my delusions of grandeur or hubris – maybe they are one and the same? Here we are with much the same going on, driven by a combination of that aforementioned hubris, incompetence, stupidity, panic and  desire to get out of the hole they dug for themselves. Lock-downs don’t work. How many times do they have to keep doing it before they get the message? How much damage to they have to do before reality strikes them?

Then there’s the disingenuous massaging of figures. Quite apart from PHL getting caught with their fingers in the till, covid counting seems to include merging two years into one. Normally when we talk about excess winter deaths due to respiratory disease, we count from autumn to spring. In 2019/20, it was around 48,000. However, they are now adding that one to the current year so it’s up to over 60,000. Yet in reality, this autumn is not out of the way for seasonal flu deaths. But every death from covid is a great tragedy, while deaths caused as a direct consequence of the reaction are brushed aside. Mention has been made here of a multi person gallows. I am seriously thinking that such a device would be too quick and painless.

We are now dangerously close to insisting upon immortality and any government that fails is doomed to the finger pointing accusations of murder by an hysterical press corps. People die. In the winter, respiratory disease is a common cause. This happens every year but now it seems that pointing this out makes you cold, heartless and unfeeling – a granny killer, no less.

Given my job, I meet a lot of people from all walks of life and not one of them has expressed any support for this. Without exception they have been hostile. Most referring to it as bollocks. Which leads me to think that eventually people will simply stop complying. My Yamaha needed to go in for a recall. At the dealership no one was in a mask, I was not challenged for not wearing a mask and if it wasn’t for some stickers on the floor marking 2 meters then you would never know that there were any restrictions in place. Warmed the cockles.


  1. Immortality has been sold to us for decades. Don’t smoke, drink, but only miniscule amounts. Take regular exercise and consume nothing but carbohydrates and you really will live forever. Oh shit, there seems to have been an explosion of diabetes. Obviously because the proles have been eating too much fat.

  2. “…Will the Insanity Never End?..”

    Only when the insane are voted out of office – but it’s at least 1,000 to 1 that they’ll be replaced by an equally insane crew.

  3. Given what I’m currently reading I’m not sure there is enough timber for a sufficiently large enough multi person gallows.

    May have been me that mentioned the gallows initially though I did borrow it from Timmy.

  4. Well just learned of Christmas being cancelled for the first time since Cromwell. There’s no question all members of SAGE and the cabinet will need to be hanged – my only question would be whether that is frankly too merciful an end?

    • Add ‘drawn and quartered’ and it would suffice – just. Heads on spikes outside the Tower would be nice. I’d like to see the ravens grow fat from gorging on eyeballs too, but enough of my fantasies.

      • Hanged, drawn and quartered as a punishment? Don’t be daft. Some slick human rights lawyer would have the judge order hanging, drawing and quartering to run concurrently so the punishment deterrent would be far less.

        Vlad the impaler’s method would be my favourite as it is slow and the message of “stick it up your arse” would definitely be noticed.

      • Let’s hope that is the case. People who have been under extreme pressure all year have had the carrot of a relaxation for Xmas dangled in front of them by the Government only to have that taken away. I predict trouble and not only for the government but for the various ‘Karens’ and Covid grasses.

        On the subject of covid grasses, I’m dealing with a very upset friend at the moment. Someone they knew and trusted for over thirty years has bought the govt and BBC bollocks about covid hook line and sinker. My mate’s mate has not only turned into a terrible covid Karen but also a covid grass. He told me that his mate was actively informing the authorities including the police about how many unmasked people he seen in his local Tesco and he didn’t care if the unmasked had any exemption or not, he just grassed without thinking. Utterly disgraceful behaviour, my mate is gutted that a long term friend has turned out to be an untrustworthy grass and is now a friend that is lost to him. I hope Karma gets this grass I really do.

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