Think Twice

These people really are on a different planet.

Families living in areas undergoing mass testing to try to weed out cases of the South African Covid variant have been told to ‘think twice’ about going out food shopping and to stay at home if they possibly can.

Presumably they haven’t tried to get an online delivery booked. I manage to get click and collect slots and every so often, get lucky with a delivery, but mostly no.

So, think once – need to eat. Think twice – need to go to the shop to get food.

We are governed and advised by cretins.

And the frantic door-to-door testing blitz may not stop the variant spreading because the 11 cases announced yesterday are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’, according to leading scientists. None of the infected patients had travelled to South Africa, suggesting the strain could already spreading in the community.

Since when did testing stop a virus? Especially one as flawed as the one they are using? The words frantic and blitz sum it up. This is a panic reaction and effective management of a crisis is never achieved with panic. But panic is all we’ve had this past twelve months.

Truly, we are governed and advised by cretins.

People will not be told whether they are carrying the South African variant because this cannot be seen in a routine test, but the plan intends to find positive cases among people without symptoms in a bid

Two words: False positives.



  1. Families living in areas undergoing mass testing to try to weed out cases of the South African Covid variant

    People will not be told whether they are carrying the South African variant because this cannot be seen in a routine test,

    Mass testing to find out how many have the variant version, which can’t be seen in a standard test?

    What we need in government is an 11th Man. There seems to be a bit too much groupthink at the moment.

  2. Door to door testing seriously? Presumably those going door to door doing the testing will be taking elaborate precautions to prevent spreading it themselves?

  3. I’m sure I saw a mention that any “Positive” test results would be genetically sequenced to identify exactly which strain of Covid was present. But (predictably) I can’t remember where I saw it…

    Is dementia a sign of Covid?

  4. Two points I’ve noted on this latest chapter:

    1) The intensive testing areas are very small – way smaller than you could possibly expect most residents to have stayed within even given the current lockdown. I mean I stray outside of this size catchment area just to go to the supermarket.

    2) The MSM reporting of this (BBC I think, may include others) was careful to mention that police officers would be part of the team going door-to-door ‘offering’ on the stop tests; the intention to intimidate is obvious here even though there is no legal requirement to take a test.

  5. More pointless virtue signalling, scare mongering and waste of taxpayers money by Gov’t and msm

    There are over 12,000 variants (or to scare you: Mutants), none are more infectious or deadly

    Testing is of no benefit when Gov’t refuses to allow use of early treatment ‘cures’ such as HCQ

    Furthermore, unlike ‘Flu, C-19 is only a problem for the already ill. Out of >108,000 deaths With C-19 <400 under 65 with no diagnosed co-morbidity have died

    If C-19 was as infectous and deadly as Gov't claims, tens of thousands of supermarket staff would be dead by now

    Oh look, I was correct in late Feb 2020 – "a nothingburger like seasonal Flu"

    A Freedom of Information request made to the ONS in August last year produced stats for combined influenza and pneumonia deaths, and COVID-19 deaths with no-pre-existing conditions, that, on the face of it, suggest about the same number of people died of influenza and pneumonia in England and Wales between March and June as died from COVID-19 but without any comorbidities.
    Note: From NOT With

    How many influenza deaths have occurred in 2020?

    As stated above, 2020 mortality data is still in a provisional state and not available in its entirety. We have provisional data available from March – June 2020 grouped for both ‘influenza and pneumonia’ in table 5 of Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales.

    Influenza and pneumonia: England and Wales – 4582
    Influenza and pneumonia: England – 4426
    Influenza and pneumonia: Wales – 147

    How many deaths from only COVID-19 have occurred (from the first known case to date)? This means where no other underlying condition was listed on the death certificate.

    These figures can be found in table 5 of Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales.

    No pre-existing condition: England and Wales – 4476
    No pre-existing condition: England – 4169
    No pre-existing condition: Wales – 294

    Note: ‘and pneumonia’ was added to obscure, COVID-19 pneumonia is classed as COVID-19

  6. All this juicy scaremongering based on a test which is not fit for purpose and has user-adjustable parameters. The sheeple will bw trembling over their BBC “news”.

  7. Update on variants and testing

    “Coronavirus Mutations Update”
    The Swiss Doctor says there’s no evidence of the new variants being more virulent, contagious or producing greater viral load, but there is evidence that they partially evade an immune response from either the vaccine or a previous infection

    Ignore scaremongering Hancock’s ‘mutant’ lies

    “Can ‘surge testing’ get new variants under control?”
    Ross Clark in the Spectator argues that ‘surge testing’ in one or two South African-variant hotspots is not going to achieve anything. “Is it really credible that it has managed to find its way to parts of the West Midlands and the Lancashire coast without stopping off at many places in between?”

    Some common sense

    We mustn’t lose our heads over the overhyped variants

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