Flip Flop Fauci

Facemask Fauci is changing his mind again.

Less than one week after advising Americans that wearing two or even three masks would be ‘more effective’ against the spread of coronavirus, Dr Fauci has done a complete 180 (again) and admitted that there is no data to suggest it will make any difference.

After Fauci made the comments last week, the media began to push the idea that two masks wasn’t enough, and that people need to wear three, or even four masks.

However, during an interview at the weekend, Fauci completely contradicted his own comments from the previous week.

The man is either an idiot or… what, exactly? A charlatan? Either way, there is no evidence whatsoever that even one mask is effective at inhibiting the spread of an airborne pathogen. It’s interesting that those who claim to be following the science (there’s no such thing – Ed), are those most likely to be ignoring things like evidence and sceptical opinions no matter how ell informed. That is, they are highly unscientific in their approach.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, given that Fauci has flip-flopped continuously on masks, having originally said that “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” and that they are little more than symbolic.

Later, Fauci fully embraced the masks and stated that they ‘need to stay on’ until everyone is vaccinated.

As we previously highlighted, it went from wearing a mask to now wearing two masks being the best way virtue signal.

Why concern yourself with trivial matters such as breathing when the wearing of multiple face coverings is so effective in delivering social media clout?

Don’t let the fact that there is no evidence masks do anything get in the way of that dopamine hit.

Well, quite. And the virtue signallers are quick to point the finger at dissenters, despite their position being unscientific and lacking any evidence and despite their position being destructive to businesses, livelihoods and lives. But why should they care about what happens to other people if they can slag off the evil Tories and sneer at dissenters, thereby making themselves feel good? Who needs science when you can have “the science” even if you haven’t a clue about how science works? Who needs to worry about facts, reason, logic and evidence when you have emotional incontinence?


  1. As Fauci appears to be a Dimocrat asset, he may have been going off message on multiple masks and has been brought to heel again.
    Now Biden has been installed the message is going out that Covid is over, as they meed to avoid some blame for the looming depression.
    So Dim states reopening, HCQ etc are now double plus good.
    Stanford Uni releases report showing lockdowns don’t work.
    Dem stat

  2. I am sure that calling this respected scientist “an idiot” from the comfort of your armchair makes you feel all powerful, but in the real world there are now more than 400,000 dead in America and he’s doing the best he can to mitigate the problem.

    Certainly I haven’t seen you come up with any better suggestions to manage it.

    • 400,000 out of a population of 332,000,000 is 0.12% meaning a current survival rate of 99.88% Don’t you think those are pretty good odds? What could the man possibly suggest to better manage this?

    • I am sure that calling this respected scientist “an idiot” from the comfort of your armchair makes you feel all powerful,…

      Oh, please, enough with the fallacies. I’m not an airline pilot, but I recognise a piss-poor landing when I see one. Nor am I sitting in an armchair…

      Certainly I haven’t seen you come up with any better suggestions to manage it.

      This is a variation of the tu quoque fallacy and your comment as a whole embraces the appeal to authority fallacy. I am not required to come up with a policy to make my observations – although, during discussions, I have, indeed proffered an opinion an a suitable policy, but feel free to indulge in whataboutery as it reflects on you, not me. And, no, making the observation does not make me “feel powerful”. It’s just a rational observation made on the basis of the man’s behaviour. It being in the public domain, commenting on it is perfectly reasonable.

      There is no scientific evidence that masks are effective. Fauci acknowledged this a year ago, yet has contradicted himself on this without any evidence to back up his about face. Then he started to wibble on about multiple masks and now has contradicted that without any evidence to support it. Noting that this is idiotic is merely a logical observation.

      As for him being respected, well you might, but I don’t respect him one iota. His approach is unscientific and smells of politics, not science. Respect is earned, not granted as a right, no matter what qualifications one holds.

  3. Bear in mind the same Fauci managed to condemn HCQ, despite being involved in tests a decade earlier proving its effectiveness.
    Now that Drumpf is deposed, HCQ and Invermectin which the CDC has known about for 9 months now are suddenly approved.
    At worst HCQ is effective in 65% of cases when given early, so a reasonable person can only conclude Fauci has been instrumental in the slightly earlier deaths of 65% of those 400,000.

    • Yep. Fauci endorsed HCQ in Feb, Mar 2020. Then U Turned when Trump publicly endorsed HCQ. Australia then made it illegal for a Dr to prescribe it

      Fauci, Valance, Hancock and their comrades have blood on their hands – tens, hundreds of thousands dead’s blood

      • Canadian pharmacists made a resolution to not honour HCQ prescriptions, that a pharmacist would lose their licence if they filled one for Covid. I’m going to assume that they didn’t cut off lupus patients. And God help anyone with malaria. They’ve also made it illegal for doctors here to prescribe ivermectin, which is beyond stupid. We’re so low-population that it’s not even available here – not worth the cost of manufacture.

        Thankful for Indian pharmacies….

  4. Do places with a high rate of mask usage have lower infection rates? No? Then they are probably ineffective.

    It’s not that hard.

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