Like Father, Like Son

The Queen has always taken her role seriously. So seriously that it would be impossible to determine her personal views on the matters of the day. This is how it should be. She is the epitome of the constitutional monarch. When she pops her clogs, her successor will be unable to fill those clogs with the same dignity, grace and professionalism of his mother.

Charles, the eternal buffoon, has frequently meddled in politics, which the monarchy should avoid. Now, it seems his son is doing the same.

Prince William believes we can “change the tide” of the climate crisis if young people educate relatives about the damage they cause.

If this is what we can expect, sign me up for republicanism when the Queen goes, because a political activist on the throne is not what we want. Oh, and I won’t even get into the hypocrisy of a wealthy, privileged man who jets around the world lecturing the rest of us…


  1. There is no climate crisis you moron. Maybe older relatives should be educating young people about long term weather trends, the scientific method and how Paul Homewood has been systematically debunking the claims of the climate alarmists for decades.

    Yes and the fact that dimwitted Royals and vacuous celebs have bought into it hook line and sinker is a good indicator that it’s all bollox.

    • You tell that to the Doggerlanders.
      They did not heed their climate-scientists/chicken entrail seers who warned of rising sea levels unless they got all the gold, best cut of the aurochs and first crack at the virgins – either sex, because as well as being all-seeing and wise the were neutral about gender.
      Did they listen? Did they aurochs. They just carried on banging their flint rocks together and polluting the atmosphere with sparks and invisible flint dust.

  2. Re: anthropogenic climate change

    The earth’s climate survives frequent volcanic eruptions and occasional meteor impacts. Some of the impacts have been insanely huge – massively altering the climate for hundreds of years. Yet somehow we’re all here.
    Ergo, the climate is a stable, self-correcting system. Us burning a few dead dinosaurs is not going to create a massive difference.

  3. Dear Mr Longrider

    “Prince William believes we can “change the tide” …”

    He’s not heard of King Cnut, then.


  4. Just relax. What they say now and what they will have the chance to say when (if) they succeed are two different things. The Monarchy has survived stupidity before and will do so again.Don’t forget that the people with the real power are the ones behind the throne and find the royal smokescreen essential.

    • “The Monarchy has survived stupidity”

      It has, but individuals monarchs haven’t. Whole houses have changed when it becomes clear that the current bunch are all idiots.

      • “…when it becomes clear that the current bunch are all idiots…”

        Generations of inbreeding has a tendency to produce idiots, so maybe it’s inevitable.

  5. Masses of white stuff is currently falling outside my window. The adults are having to explain it to their children who don’t know what it is.

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