Oh Dear, How Sad

Never mind.

BBC Two’s topical comedy show The Mash Report has been cancelled after four series.

The BBC said it had needed “to make difficult decisions” in order “to make room for new comedy shows”.

I’m presuming that the use of the word “comedy” is ironic. Nish Kumar is deeply unfunny. So much so that when unleashed on ordinary people in a live gig, he got pelted with bread rolls. Hardly surprising when all you have to offer is “orange man bad” and “Brexit bad.”

If I was as awful in my chosen profession as Nish Kumar is in his, I’d be slinking away and hiding from sight.

The Sun welcomed the cancellation of the series, which it said was “preachy, self-righteous [and] left-wing”.

Well, yeah…

But fans and comedians complained, saying it was “the best UK topical comedy show for decades” and “genuinely held the government to account”.

I’m sure that Boris and company are quaking in their boots having been held to account by this half wit.

This programme was dire. Nish Kumar is possibly the most unfunny joke of a comedian I’ve ever witnessed and he’s got some stiff competition when it comes to sanctimonious preachy leftist unfunny comedians. More dire even than something produced by the execrable Charlie Brooker or that vile twat Frankie Boyle. There was a time when comedians really did satire – biting satire that cut to the bone and made you laugh because of the underlying truth. But not today. They are a one trick pony that seems to think that saying “Trump bad, Brexit bad,” will get a laugh because they arrogantly assume that everyone shares their right-on opinions. Clearly the ratings spoke for themselves.

So, bye bye Nish Kumar Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Oh and please, please, don’t come back.


  1. Ahh. I remember the good old days. Not the programme of that name, mind.
    The days when all you had to say to bring the house down was to say, in a pretty poor adopted estuary accent, was “Hey. Maggie Thatcher? Hey what?”
    They will never be that good again.

  2. I must bring myself to listen to R4’s Saturday lunchtime ‘comedy’ slot to hear the side-splitting gags they come up with now that their staple fodder for years – Trump and Brexit – has gone. My guess is today it will be Piers Morgan/racist BRF/evil Tories offering 1% to the nurses with Trump being shoehorned in as a comparison to the Sainted Joe.
    If Nish Kumar had a job commensurate with his talent he’d be writing scripts for “The Now Show”.

  3. Just for balance, you understand, I watched a Bernard Manning video the other night. Now I know why the current crop of slimy left wingers make my flesh crawl.

  4. “The Now Show” is on as I write. So far, BRF, Piers Morgan and the 1% pay rise, a foreign guy making ‘jokes’ about Switzerland’s decision to ban Islamic face coverings, evil Tories incompetence and profligacy, someone from “The Mash Report” BRF bashing.

    I can’t cope with so much mirth and merriment so I’m going to switch off.

  5. If it wasn’t funded by us, via the BBC sJW fund, it would have been cancelled before it finished its first series.

    And, if Nish Kumar had a job commensurate with his talent he’d be emptying bins.

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