I Am So Pleased About That

We can rest easy in our beds, Professor Panstsdown Ferguson says we can go out to play in the summer.

Neil Ferguson says he is ’80 per cent sure’ that Britons will be able to enjoy the summer this year with vaccines driving down the rate of Covid-19 infections.

The scientist, known as Professor Lockdown, believes there will be very few restrictions in place thanks to the jab rollout which has seen a third of the population already inoculated.

This man is an incompetent charlatan at best and at worst an apologist for the CCP style authoritarianism we have experienced this past year and still he is given airtime and still he lacks the basic self-awareness to shut up, dig a hole and hide in it.

I am not remotely interested in what this popinjay has to say because nothing he says may be relied upon. Oh, and I don’t need his consent for anything.


  1. Tomorrow we move into the 52nd of the three weeks to flatten the curve. Tuesday 23rd we will celibrate the beginning of the second year. I’m so excited, I think I think I’ll bake a cake.

  2. Dear Mr Longrider

    According to Worldometer data, UK ‘cases’ peaked on Friday January 8, with rolling 7 day ‘cases’ peaking on the weekend and both falling dramatically thereafter. Deaths ‘with covid’ peak about 2 weeks later.

    With only a few million people vaccinated by then, how can he claim that the reduction is down to the vaccine? Oh, I know how …


    There is a new graph on Flickr, with a bit of commentary on Mr Legiron’s blog at:


    It is worth noting that at week 8, England and Wales excess all-cause mortality compared with the average of the previous five years is virtually the same for 2015, 2018 and 2021.


    • 1. Because it is Grade A horseshit.
      2. Because it has always been Grade A horseshit.

      They panicked over exaggerated numbers of dead in an Excel spreadsheet from a known charlatan. Everything that’s happened since then has just been doubling-down on the original error. It would have been better and cheaper if they’d said “Sorry, our mistake trusting idiots”, fired Professor Pantsdown and then cancelled the whole lockdown thing. Track and Trace was a waste of multiple billions and even the various vaccines are little more than palliatives and placebos against an ever transforming RNA virus.

  3. Have you seen the video over at Samizdata? There is a reputable doctor pointing out that there has been effective treatment available all along and the powers that be have just been pretending that there isn’t. I’ve been going over it in my head ever since I watched it thinking that it can’t possibly be true. On the other hand, I can’t think of an alternative explanation for what has happened. I don’t have a tinfoil hat but I’m starting to think that I am going to need one. The depressing thing is that, even if it could be proven that our politicians deliberately murdered millions of people, it would still be impossible to hold them to account.

  4. Stonyground: The lack of accountability is what’s driving the whole exercise: it’s the council getoutI have probably bored you with earlier. Having worked in schools for twenty years – not as an indoctrinator, TF – I’ve seen it used over and over. The councillors have to take the advice of their technical staff, the technical staff have to respond to the wishes of the councillors. Then, when the project goes over budget and generally tits up, we’re not to blame and everybody gets a payrise.

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