Never Mind the Context

Just feel those figures.

Pushing ahead with a full reopening later this month in England would be ‘foolish’ and a ‘major risk’, an expert has warned amid reports a two-week delay to the planned easing of restrictions is being considered.

Would that expert be a behavioural psychologist charlatan in SAGE?

The warning comes after Covid cases jumped by 70 per cent in a week today, reaching 5,765, and as a health chief insisted vaccines do ‘break the chain’.

Here we go again. The percentage is meaningless without context. That context being that we are talking about just under 6,000 apparent cases and 13 deaths that may or may not be attributed to covid out of a population of 70 million. In other words, a minuscule risk. But don’t let facts like that get in the way of a scare story or some arsehole of an “expert” seeking a patina of relevance.

There is currently enough evidence to say that due to the spread of the Indian variant, one of the Government’s four key tests for its road map out of lockdown has not been met, Professor Stephen Reicher said.

Fuck off. Seriously, fuck off.


  1. Oh, these wankers are going to use any excuse to keep us in perpetual lockdown, aren’t they? They’ll fiddle the figures or come out with all their scaremongering propaganda in order to keep the restrictions in place.

  2. Apparent cases. Do any of these cases involve people who are actually ill or are they just the result of some testing? If the test is done by detecting antibodies, is it just as likely that a positive test means that you are already naturally immune?

  3. The sciences including behavioural, contrary to what they believe, are never settled as they will soon find out.

  4. I understand that Matt Hancock has a 20% stake in his sister’s company which was awarded a government contract to supply PPE. And now, he wants to delay “The Grand Opening” of the country from June 21st to some date in July. If all this is true, I would hesitate in suggesting that any delay is due to his sister having a warehouse full of unsold PPE. I would love some journalist to ask him how much money he has personally made out of this pandemic.

  5. I had actually stopped monitoring the numbers because I didn’t really trust the figures being presented. But 5,765 cases and 13 deaths in a week, out of a population of 70 million means that the pandemic is pretty much over doesn’t it? Your chances of getting it is down to about one in 12 thousand and of dying about one in 5 million. How does that compare with all the other ways that you can cop it?

  6. Dear Mr Longrider

    Professor Stephen Reicher: Crowd behaviour, group behaviour, leadership including behaviour of leaders, national identity, nationalism, inter-group relations, inter-group conflict, prejudice, discrimination, obedience, psychology of tyranny(!)*, individual-social relationship, Trump psychology.

    Member of: Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B)

    At least he’s not one of the Secret Four: 4 participant (sic) has (double sic) not given permission to be named.

    How much do these “experts” get paid while the panicdemic lasts?


    * Something he’s getting first-hand experience of – from the wrong side.

  7. Agreed. They ought to F O out of sight. Hospital admissions are flat. So it is a mild disease being a mild disease. There is no data driven excuse to continue these ridiculous restrictions. The vaccines have broken the chain. To quote the late Miriam Karlin: “Everybody out!”………….

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