So How Did That Work Out?

Apparently, Insulate Britain has been training working class people as their spokesmen to try to shake off their middle class image.

Insulate Britain is training ‘working class’ activists to give interviews to the media in a bid to shake off its ‘middle class crusties’ image.

At a meeting in Coventry last month attended by an undercover MoS reporter, veteran activist Dr Larch Maxey said they needed to appeal to the Red Wall voters to further their aims – and help fund their costs.

‘That’s why we are called Insulate Britain,’ the former geography lecturer explained.

Having seen Liam Norton in action several times now, I’d suggest that as a strategy, it’s dead in the water. The man is a buffoon and comes across as one. As for getting the red wall on side, stopping them getting to work isn’t exactly a winning strategy at all. In fact, this little group of nasty Marxists has managed to alienate just about everyone.


  1. “’That’s why we are called Insulate Britain,’ the former geography lecturer explained. ‘It’s trying to draw on everyone in our society, including the patriotic working class that make up the Red Wall voters.’”

    Why am I actually surprised that they’re this simple-minded?

    • I’m not. Also, Liam Twatbrain contradicted this very point when being interviewed. According to him, they aren’t interested in getting the public on their side, they just want to use us as pawns in blackmailing the government.

    • This is where identity politics keeps failing. Its followers believe that people will always make common cause with those who have common characteristics- “class”, colour, sex, etc etc.

      But they’re wrong. We’re not as shallow as the identitarian Marxists wish we were. People are convinced by ideas and arguments, not identities – and the idea that we should have socialism forced on us to “save the planet” is bloody stupid, whatever the accent of the person saying it.

  2. Although this particular bunch seem to be more stupid than green types in general, it should be remembered that they are all pretty stupid and ignorant. The current situation with straightened gas supplies is the result of these idiots having the ear of government and getting them to ban us from drilling our own gas. These utter fools think that we can just stop doing that nasty fracking and then just carry on using gas for heating and electricity generation. There is no connection between these two things inside their empty heads.

    OT but I went to do a quick shop at Asda today and hardly anyone was wearing a mask. Up until now it has always been about half and half at a rough estimate. I’m wondering what has happened to change things so suddenly.

    • Their leader, Roger Hallam is deeply nasty. The only difference between him, Mao, Stalin and Hitler is opportunity. Given the opportunity, he would have progroms against dissenters and subsequent executions. He’s already told us as much. These people are useful idiots and just as likely to end up on the wrong end of the revolution as the rest of us.

  3. Historically activists are the first to be put up against the wall and shot. Having put the new leader into power they have outlived their usefulness and the new leader doesn’t want these type of people to be around when his new world order starts to go pear shaped.

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