Another No, Then

Pronoun badges at M&S.

Marks & Spencer has started giving its staff pronoun badges as part of a diversity and inclusivity initiative.

The new tags can now  include the person’s name, and their chosen pronouns, options of which include: ‘He/Him/His’, ‘She/Her/Hers’, and ‘They/Them/Their’.

The brand’s Food PR manager David Parke shared a photo of his badge in a LinkedIn post where he said they have already ‘helped start some very necessary conversations around gender identity and non-binary experiences’.

M&S is a retail outlet. It is not somewhere to be discussing gender identity and non-binary experiences (see also, attention seeking behaviour – Ed).

Sasha Misra, associate director of communications and campaigns at Stonewall, told The Sun: ‘Having pronouns on badges is a simple yet impactful way to make sure LGBTQ+ identities are respected — for employees and customers alike.’

Sigh… This is what we have come to. The workplace is for working. No one should care one way or another how someone identifies or who they prefer to have sex with. These being private and personal and bugger all to do with work. As far as dealing with customers is concerned, again, it’s an irrelevance. People come in, choose what they want, pay and go.

What is interesting is how this has been received in the comments. Once again, this vile wokery does not sit well with the public. The comments are universally scathing.

Imagine working there with all this rubbish being forced on you.

Pathetic M&S.

Less than 1% of the population ruining the world for everyone else

Jeeeeeez Louis/e. For fox safe talk about finding something to make an issue about.

My boycotting list’s getting longer and I’m beginning to run out of places to shop!

There is hope after all. That final one echoes my response as well.


  1. You are male or female. That’s it. These freaks make me sick ! They should be dealt with.

    • All too often it’s the activists who are pushing this, not the trans people themselves. Mostly, it’s the usual suspects who have identified a useful victim group to beat the rest of us over the head with. The moment this group loses its usefulness, they will be dropped in favour of the latest victim group – see also, women and feminism.

      • I’m with you on how it’s the activists rather than individuals who just want to get on with their lives. The trans activists (TRA’s) are some of the most violent, aggressive and intolerant people I’ve ever come across. One of them threatened to punch me in the face because I said to one of them that children playing dress up in the clothes of the opposite sex does not mean that they are trans.

        Like you I hate this pronoun shit with a passion and fully agree with the idea that those who use them or promote them as a way of virtue signalling should be called ‘pronoun wankers’.

        As an aside there is a big backlash against the forcible use of pronouns and also by extension groups like Stonewall that are pushing this idea. Much of this pushback is being led by women because more often than not it is women who are having their identities appropriated and their spaces colonised by the members and followers of the cult of trans.

        Graham Linehan has an excellent sample letter written by a user of Mumsnet about the pronoun wankery which is well worth a read. It’s here:

        I’ve also commented on this at my place. I don’t need to know anybody’s real of fantasy pronouns any more than I need to know how they voted on Brexit or whether they prefer cock or fanny or if they are a member of a political party. As the Mumsnet writer said we don’t have ‘vote Leave’ or ‘vote Remain’ or ‘allah hu akbar’ in email signatures so why should there be pronouns?

  2. Why is it we’re never short of “experts” and “activists” who manage to get themselves into positions where they can inflict their views on others? As one of the commenters wrote, we’re running out of businesses to boycott but at least when they whinge and whine we know where they are. And don’t get me started on mixed race family actors in TV ads!

  3. Fucking hell. I discovered from that Mail story that there was an ‘International Pronouns Day’ recently. I despair. I really do.

    I’m assuming that this pronoun bollocks is optional for Marks and Spencer staff, and that any staff refusing the use of pronouns on a badge will not be disciplined or sacked.

    But when would a customer in a shop ever need to use a staff member’s pronouns? If you need help from a member of staff, you would have no use for that person’s pronouns. The only occasion I can think of would involve a second member of staff, and having to refer to the first person you dealt with.

    • Yes, I noticed that. It passed under my radar. Which is probably good for my blood pressure.

      International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.
      Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.

      Fuck off. Seriously, fuck the fuck off.

    • I’m pretty relaxed generally with trans people. It’s the ideology that irritates. And them labelling the rest of us as cis really, really gets my goat. There is no such thing as cisgender.

  4. The English language has evolved its use of pronouns over the centuries, gradually simplifying them. Most of us know which pronouns to use and when. The only reason we might need to be “educated” is when somebody is trying to change the basic rules of grammar or force us to see a woman where there is really a man.

      • I’ll humour a man who thinks he’s a woman, I’ll even humour a man who pretends he thinks he’s a woman, but I’m not going to join him in his delusion.

        And as for the singular person who wants me to use a plural pronoun for him, I’ve got a GCE O Level in English Language so that’s definitely not going to happen.

  5. My normal easy going tolerance is being eroded to the point where I really, really want to wear a badge, a tee-shirt or something reading “Stuff your pronouns”

    If we’re going to be threatened with specious ‘hate’ crimes, let’s make it worth the candle.

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